callin all Texans


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
1 yeah your right I just didnt go into that side LOL I forgot about that room for Freshwater. when I was there they was just redoing it with the stuff they bought from bubbles store somewhere.
2 high tech is gone. WOW that surprises me.
3 I completely agree with that statment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kyle the owner of Mr aquarium bought alot of stuff from Hightech and Bubbles, which was the only LFS in Amarillo for a long time then Anthony Heraes(not sure on spelling) Opened of FISH PROS. Which I really like so prices are a little high but the service I have always gotten from them has been great. Anthony Is looking into opening another FISH PROS in Lubbock. Some time later in the year.


yeah I know kyle very well bought alot of stuff from him. I think I filled 5 or 6 of the frequent shopper cards they had in about 3 months or so LOL
I will have to come back into lubbock sometimes this summer I could always get things cheaper there than I could even think about in this area.


New Member
Originally Posted by rad
San Antonio FTW! Best place here (without question) is Aquarium Designs, if you go there tell them "Conrad" sent you. And ask for Jason, hes going to be the busiest one there. making his day harder is always a plus in my book.

Hey Conrad, I'm gonna be visiting San Antonio for the weekend! Any other LFS besides Aquarium Designs that may be worthy of checking out?? Im planning on buying my first Nano
so any suggestions for a good place to buy a new Tank is welcomed!!


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
yeah I know kyle very well bought alot of stuff from him. I think I filled 5 or 6 of the frequent shopper cards they had in about 3 months or so LOL
I will have to come back into lubbock sometimes this summer I could always get things cheaper there than I could even think about in this area.

If you happen to come to lubbock let me know and mabey we can meet there


Originally Posted by FPM29
Hey Conrad, I'm gonna be visiting San Antonio for the weekend! Any other LFS besides Aquarium Designs that may be worthy of checking out?? Im planning on buying my first Nano
so any suggestions for a good place to buy a new Tank is welcomed!!
Well, aquarium designs has the cleanest/highest quality at affordable prices merchandise. Its also a bonus that they have the nicest staff which translates in to a great place to spend your free time. Not to mention that they also know the 'recomended' as well as 'actual' techniquies that can/should be applied. They have a decent selection of nanos but its nothing like wall to wall nanos or anything. I did purchase both my tanks there. I have a 12g aquapod and a 24g aquapod. The 24g was a display so I got a good deal on it but the damn thing leaks. I knew that before I bought it so I guess thats my fault. Especially since I practically stole the thing. Ive seen some other stores around town with a couple more tanks such as fintique and texas tropical and marine. They have more large tanks though where as AD has only nanos. Theres another store about two miles south of aquarium designs called 'something' warehouse. They are an all SW store but I dont really like it there, its worth the two mile drive south. If you ask them at AD they will tell you where its at. And I wouldnt go to fintique if your looking at live stock because they have a poor selection of SW fish. But I know you asked about tanks so thats where Im trying to guide you. They have some 'nanos' there with no filtration that are moderately priced w/stand, but you do still have to buy the filtration. If you notice all those stores are with in about 10 miles of each other, thats because if I drive too far I have to pull over and get the steaks out of my trunk for a car-b-que. I need a new car. But that should be good news for you because you could easily hit all those stores in less than two hours. More than two hours if you wander around like I do.


New Member
rad, thanks for such a detailed explanation of the various LFS in SA.

I'm in fact looking for a Nano Tank, and I've narrowed my choices to:
**please do not post links to online competitors its against the board rules**
So hopefully I can find one of the above. As for live stock Im not planning on buying some yet....maybe LR if I see some nice pieces.
But you've pretty much given me enough options to keep busy the whole weekend!!


Yeah, I get long winded at time. Especially when talking about fish. :happyfish Ive decided I need to stop talking about fish to others so they dont get sick of me. But thats why Im on this forum right? Fish guys talk fish, its nature. Just have fun in SA town.


Hey rad, do you think the guys at Texas Tropical & Marine know what they are talking about? I live outside of 1604 on the southside of town. It's a long drive up to all of the LFS.


wyvern, I personally hate texas tropical. And thats an understatement. There is a tall loud guy in there that seems to know what he is talking about, you cant miss him. Ive asked him a couple questions and he seems to be on the ball. But there is also a short fat mexican guy with a pony tail and last time I was there I was inquiring about a wrasse and he started flicking his fingers in the tank pretty hard core saying the wrasse liked it because he would come up and rub your finger. The wrasse clearly didnt like all the comotion and only came to investigate a couple times. Then the guy started playing with the puffer in the tank. He would grab it and squeeze it and push it around while it was swimming. He wanted it to puff up because he thought it would make him look cool is all I could think. But everyone knows thats a horrible thing to do to the fish. After seeing that I now know why they sometimes have more than the usual 'death rate,' obviously they feed their fish but they dont take care of them. They do have some sweet gold striped maroon clowns though. For as much trash as Im talking I may end up buying one from there. They also have a good selection of crabs etc and a decent amount of corals. But that was another thing I saw while I was there, the same guy abusing the fish was abusing the corals by flicking them and what not. That guy needs to be fired. Also all their corals are over priced, especially the mushrooms. But all in all they do have some decent selection. Go on a saturday, they get shipments on friday. If your going to come all the way out here for that store then I definately would advise you to go to aquarium designs and aquatic warehouse (It was bugging me so much I finally called aquarium designs to ask the name, thats the one two miles south of AD on sandau and 281) since its no more than a ten-fifteen minute drive from texas tropicals. Good luck with what ever you do, and let me know if you find any sweet stores on the south side or anywhere else for that matter.


The tall loud guy is the person I deal with. On the way out of the store, I always find myself shaking my head thinking "boy, what an a@s". I was in Aquatic warehouse last week. I got 17lbs LR I think it was ~$8.99 per lb (kinda high). Do you have an address or phone number for Aquarium Designs. I can't find them in my phone book. Thanks. Oh, there's nothing worth driving down this side of town for.


8.99 is high. Aquarium designs has theirs for $7 an lb and once you get to $100 its 10% off. Their phone number is 495-REEF, or 495-7333. There located on 281 at brook hollow in a little shopping center across the highway from the wataburger. Its not very visible from the stop light but if your going north on the access road take a left at the light away from the wataburger and just go straight thru the light on the other side of the underpass. Its right in there. Geesh, you'd think I work for them or something. (for the record I definately do not) I just think there the best in town.


Active Member
Has anyone been to the little aquarium at the moody gardens in Galveston? They have this tank. It is huge two stories high full of fish you could put in your home aquarium. Except for maybe the zebra sharks. Tangs, eels, triggers, puffers, angel fish, sharks. It is one of the coolest aquariums I've seen.
Then they have two or three reef tanks that are spectacular.


Bay City here, I have a 115 fowlr alive and kicking for about 4 months now. Its about a 1hr or so to H-town where i usually do my business. Anyone plans on fishing in Matagorda give me hollar we can knock out a few cases.


Originally Posted by quads4_lif
wow I thought I was the farthest north. I am in Pampa
i di not know anyone even knew where Perryton is. Where do you shop? Do you go to Amarillo?

rabid frog

Active Member
I dont live in Texas anymore, but I used to live in amarillo and lubbock. Worked for Pantex for a number of years, and worked for Judy at the bubbles aquarium store. The owner of fish pros once asked me if I would be interested in opening a fish pros here in albuquerque when he found out I was moving here. His other store is in California, right? At least that is what I remember.
I never got to see Mr. Aquarium when they finished the store, but that is who I got my first MH set up from. It is still going strong today. I cannot reccomend Kyle and his crew enough. What a great store that was.


Originally Posted by Tarrahsmom
i di not know anyone even knew where Perryton is. Where do you shop? Do you go to Amarillo?
Usally I go to amarillo and now I go to lubbock when I can.