Hey guys
So I have been considering upgrading to a much larger tank, and unfortunately the only thing I know how to handle is a 12g nano with a pair of picasso clowns. Ive been fascinated by stingrays and have been considering getting a large tank with a pair of rays, but honestly I know NOTHING about them. Then I was at my lfs today and saw she had a ray, and she let me hand feed it, and it was awesome. I fell in love with it. Now, I dont intend on jumping into it and getting a tank and everything without doing my research, so before I get started, Im beginning my research here.
Are there any good books out there about keeping rays?
What species of rays are there that are suitable for the home aquarium?
How big of a tank should you have to keep rays? 65g? 125? 300?
How thick of a sand bed should you have?
How fine should the sand be?
What are suitable tank mates for rays?
How hardy are rays?
Should i get the tank going with all the other tank mates first and then add in the rays much later?
What is a good clean up crew for a ray tank?
Can you keep corals in a ray tank?
Are you happy with your ray tank?
When acquiring a ray, how do you transport it?
Are there any light requirements when keeping rays?
What are some mistakes you made when you set up your ray tank?
What would you have done differently when setting up your ray tank?
Thanks for the info!
So I have been considering upgrading to a much larger tank, and unfortunately the only thing I know how to handle is a 12g nano with a pair of picasso clowns. Ive been fascinated by stingrays and have been considering getting a large tank with a pair of rays, but honestly I know NOTHING about them. Then I was at my lfs today and saw she had a ray, and she let me hand feed it, and it was awesome. I fell in love with it. Now, I dont intend on jumping into it and getting a tank and everything without doing my research, so before I get started, Im beginning my research here.
Are there any good books out there about keeping rays?
What species of rays are there that are suitable for the home aquarium?
How big of a tank should you have to keep rays? 65g? 125? 300?
How thick of a sand bed should you have?
How fine should the sand be?
What are suitable tank mates for rays?
How hardy are rays?
Should i get the tank going with all the other tank mates first and then add in the rays much later?
What is a good clean up crew for a ray tank?
Can you keep corals in a ray tank?
Are you happy with your ray tank?
When acquiring a ray, how do you transport it?
Are there any light requirements when keeping rays?
What are some mistakes you made when you set up your ray tank?
What would you have done differently when setting up your ray tank?
Thanks for the info!