Calling All Tang Police!


Active Member
you kinda flamed everyone or asked for them to come in a bash away with the title! I have been avoiding the thread because of the title.
I honestly didn't mean it as a flame at all, I meant it to catch the eye of people that tell people not to keep tangs in too small of a tank. I would have thought they were sick of hearing people ask if they can keep a tang in a 55 and would have thought it was refreshing to see a list that didn't include one. The way I've heard the "tang police" referred to is jokingly and that's how I meant it also. I would put myself in the tang police category sometimes. So I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the title.


Active Member
I see what you are saying but I think the title called them in as you can see. Hopefully the thread can get back on track for ya. Barry


Active Member
Thanks, I'm getting the impression that it's better to just look on your own than to ask for others opinions because they like to knock you down more than help you out. People like drama. So, we'll see how it goes.


Active Member
Tangs are the most debated item on these threads I guess besides MH, VHO, T-5's. People are passionate about what they believe in.

bang guy

Originally Posted by garnet13aj
Thanks, I'm getting the impression that it's better to just look on your own than to ask for others opinions because they like to knock you down more than help you out. People like drama. So, we'll see how it goes.
I disagree

Seriously, ask for onpinions, consider the opinions that have reasons that make sense to you, and then take the option that works for your specific application.
Just avoid the mistake of asking for different opinions until you hear what you wanted to hear.


What about a butterfly? A Threadfin may work for you since you don't have a reef setup. I also love the Copperband and Long Nose butterflies. Hawkfish are a fun addition. I have a Lyretail that has a great personality. He plays hide and seek with my cat. There are also some beautiful wrasses that would work for you and get plenty of color in your tank. Good luck, I know I'm working on my stocking list for the 180 reef we are in the process of setting up. I have a lot of research and decision making to do about what to add and in what order.
Sorry you had to deal with some of the answers you received. I have found that it's hard getting a straight answer unless you are very careful about how you title your post. I've gotten kind of discouraged with this forum at times due to that issue myself. I keep trying though because I've found a few folks here that try their best to be helpful.
Again, good luck and have fun with it. That's the whole point behind the hobby.


Originally Posted by morayeels
yada yada yada!!!! the tank police.
I have :
1- hippo tang
1- yellow tang
1- naso
1- spotted surgen
in my 90 gallon tank.
Same here... yada yada yada!!!! I agree. :cheer:
I have:
1- naso
in my 135. I hate this "tang police" crap. People do get way too carried away on this message board.


Active Member
Thanks for the input everyone. I'm not sure if I can keep gobies or blennies because I have cc instead of sand. I've looked through Marine Fishes by Scott Michael and really like the following:
-Ocellaris clowns (already have 2)
-Yellow Assessor
-Scott's Fairy Wrasse
-Snowflake Eel
-Potter's angelfish
I'm not sure if I can keep all of them in a 55, probably a little overstocked but these are probably the ones I am going to choose from.