Can’t believe my eyes


Originally Posted by schneidts
Well, I for one have always thought it looked like a boy. However...
Very good site schneidts, never seen that 1 before. Call me crazy but those dont look like the same"cutout" in the 2 different pics. 1 is much shorter and the person is leaning the opposite way in each of them?


Active Member thoughts exactly. They just don't look like the same thing. I wish I could find a site supporting what I saw on tv a long time ago. Can't remember who it was (director or someone) saying that it was just the kid of a crewmember or something like that. When you watch it, though, it is clearly a boy IMO.


Originally Posted by emmitt
Very good site schneidts, never seen that 1 before. Call me crazy but those dont look like the same"cutout" in the 2 different pics. 1 is much shorter and the person is leaning the opposite way in each of them?

ok, you're crazy. And a jerk, too! How many times do I have to be right, and you wrong, before you wake up? Now repeat 10 times, "I, Emmitt, am clueless, not Mystic7".
How can I NOT "follow" you when you leave your idiotic remarks on almost every thread on these boards? Must be nice being unemployed.
They locked the other thread, depriving me of the chance to call out 2Fishy or whatever his nick is, as a hypocrite. Couldn't be "grownup" about it and let it slide, like you admonished us to do, could ya? And they had to edit your comment out as well. I can imagine what you had to say.


It's unfortunate that you can't seem to coexist on this forum, without things escalating in this manner. It must be rather exhausting composing such hateful responses, unless you just enjoy being angry all the time.
Picking fights on the internet has got to be the most cowardly attempt at aggression I've ever witnessed. If you want to write an angry letter, address it to your congressman; maybe you'll finally have a positive effect on the world, instead of killing a fun discussion. I've been enjoying this thread. I like a good story, and there have been some good ones here
I hope there are more today, and I hope that they're civil.
Sorry for offering unsolicited criticism, but I'm sick of opening a thread to read it and finding it laced with epistolary land mines.


Once again this is mystic7
Dont worry mola, mystic is the local joke on here

We keep him around for comic relief and reports on how many of his fish died.
p.s.-anytime you want to compare w-2's mystic, i'll be up for a good laugh


I'll do my best to contribute a few spooky experiences. By no means do they compare to some of the stories on here, but they were enough to scare me (it doesn't take much to do that though).
When I was 5 years old, we moved into a new(er) house. One day, my sister and I were playing in my bedroom with the door closed. My mom was unpacking boxes downstairs. She saw me walk by and go out the front door. A minute later, my dad walked in and she asked him if I was still outside. He told her that I wasn't, and she swore that she had just seen me walk down the stairs and go outside, when all along, my sister and I never left my room. But my mom has bad vision, so it could have been a very large house rat or something. :scared:
My parents had a radio in their bedroom that broke at least 12 years ago (yes, we as a family seem to have difficulty throwing things away); this broken radio contained batteries that are also 12+ years old. The year before I got married, I lived with my parents. I would leave for work after them, and often returned before them (obviously I was an extremely hard worker). Anyway, one morning I was home all alone, getting ready for the day, and that radio in my parents' room started blaring. I went in and flipped the switch and turned it off. I didn't think anything of it. Later that day, when I got home, the radio was on again. I figured that one of my parents must have been home at some point and done it. Later in the evening, I mentioned it and my dad told me that the radio was broken and hadn't worked in years. He was skeptical of my story, but the following Saturday, the same thing happened to him, and continued happening almost daily, until he finally threw it away. Was it a ghost? Or was it God, using his infinite powers of suggestion to teach us all a lesson about throwing crap away? We may never know


Active Member
Originally Posted by mystic7
ok, you're crazy. And a jerk, too! How many times do I have to be right, and you wrong, before you wake up? Now repeat 10 times, "I, Emmitt, am clueless, not Mystic7".
How can I NOT "follow" you when you leave your idiotic remarks on almost every thread on these boards? Must be nice being unemployed.
They locked the other thread, depriving me of the chance to call out 2Fishy or whatever his nick is, as a hypocrite. Couldn't be "grownup" about it and let it slide, like you admonished us to do, could ya? And they had to edit your comment out as well. I can imagine what you had to say.

Yet another thread.....CLOSED.
You two best agree to disagree and leave each other alone. I'm not going to waste time editing out your posts. So hopefully others who actually want to contribute will not tolerate this, and report these outbursts immediately, please!