can all these fish fit in a tank this big



can all these fish fit in a 250 gallon tank
blue line trigger
clown trigger
emporer angel
panda puffer
miniatus grouper
lion fish
sohal tang/3
honey comb moray eel :help:


Does that mean 3 sohal tangs? Sohals are basically 100% incompatible with their own kind. As for the others....I would probably attempt it, but those aggressive triggers can be hit or miss.


Active Member
no, that fish list needs to be revised. That waste load is way too high, you cannot keep those triggers with the lion, and you cannot have 3 sohals in the same tank.


Active Member
the tess will eat everything in a tank, and if not at leats kill it all. they need a species only tank, you would have to go with an eel that is less aggressive


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
the tess will eat everything in a tank, and if not at leats kill it all. they need a species only tank, you would have to go with an eel that is less aggressive
good call. I did not even read that at the bottom of the list...


i really wasnt really sure about all those fish but i seen triggers at pet stores(huge triggers)with huge lions but you know pet stores they just throw anything with anything
but the trigger and lion didnt fight i didnt see any nipping but could you give me some ideas on what eels might begood


Active Member
a snowflake eel would be evan better! and kind of loooks like a tess.. i mean not really but the same colors! the morays get huge


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i would say thats an opinion not a fact
I agree. Many SFEs are very outgoing.


well from my studies on eels, the zebra is by far the most outgoing of any other eel out there. they have been known to swim all day around the tank in open waters not just between the rock works like most sfe's do and yes sfe's do hide most of the time, do your research and you will come to the same conclusion i have and this is for the author of this post not you guys bc you allready have your mind set that sfe's are more active than zebra's but the fact is they are not.


Eliminate the Tess,2 Sohals,and the Volitan,have filtration at the least twice rated for your tank volume and it's still pushing the limit at adult sizes.


Active Member
puffer 24/7,
what studies? you mean reading books? im pretty sure you never owned an eel or actually never did a "study" on them at your age(which doesnt mean you cant know alot about them, im sure you do) but ont he other hand i dont want to se the author of this post getting a zebra moray for the wrong reasons. When he can easily get a SFE which is a cool looking,readily available, very peacefull eel which will only get 24"(perfect for his tank with the tankmates he wants) and once again the word "fact" you shouldnt be using in your "opinions"


Originally Posted by psusocr1
puffer 24/7,
what studies? you mean reading books? im pretty sure you never owned an eel or actually never did a "study" on them at your age(which doesnt mean you cant know alot about them, im sure you do) but ont he other hand i dont want to se the author of this post getting a zebra moray for the wrong reasons. When he can easily get a SFE which is a cool looking,readily available, very peacefull eel which will only get 24"(perfect for his tank with the tankmates he wants) and once again the word "fact" you shouldnt be using in your "opinions"

i cant really understand what you were saying to me but i think i got the hang of it, well to be honest a zebra in a 250 would be perfect and much better of a conversation piece than a sfe would be and not to mention you will see it a lot, lot more. type in zebra moray eel in the toolbar and look at all the information comes up on them and see for yourself.


Active Member
this is what im saying puffer, everyone can "google" things.. But are those what your calling your "studies" on zebra moray eels? thos arent studies their opinions!


they are studies if i am pulling information from very reputable sources in the marine world, not everything you search are opinions, plus puffer is long gone, he has not been heard seen in weeks.