Can anyone help identify????


This guy has been with me since my addition of lr 4 mos. ago. However, over the last few weeks he seems to have gotten bigger. It's tough to see on photo, but he has two holes he comes out of from the lr itself. You can barely see it's tentacles just below gsp. It has transparent tentacles, sifts through the substrate and is now building two tubes from lr. Is this guy someone to worry about? Or should he just be left to continue building his home out of the lr? You can see it pulling the substrate up its tentacles bottom right of gsp. It also every so often, for lack of better terms, craps out of the opposite hole into the water. Which sends a cloud of substrate crap into the water.



Active Member
I cant really tell what your pointing out but I think you should look up vermetid snail does it look like this?


The tentacles look like that, but I've never seen a tube like the one in your picture. It seems to be somehow using the substrate to enlongate a tube from the rock (bits of shell, etc.). I've hit it with a brush, and it seems to be hard almost like its encrusting the substrate. Sorry about the picture I couldn't get my camera to focus through the glass very well. I will try to get another picture posted. In the mean time, I will look up the vermetid snail. Thanks for the direction.


I was able to research vermetid's for a little while today, and there seems to be similarities to what I have and what you referred me to look up. The only thing thats missing however, is the tube that is in your picture (unless I just cant see it from the vantage that I have to look at in my tank). Anyway, it doesn't sound like I have a lot to worry about. The article that I read said that there is a species that multiplies quickly and abundantly in a marine aquarium. That could lead to clogging powerhead and eventually filter issues. However, mine doesn't seem to be doing that. My lr is from fiji, which the website stated a bigger species comes from that doesn't reproduce well. Hopefully, I have that species in my tank. Anyway, thanks again for the good info. I appreciate it!!!