Originally Posted by
My book says its good stuff and desired. I have also heard from others by experiance that say it is like a plague.
Me personaly, I think bubble algea is pretty. Some people won't have an anemone, some love them. Everyone has personal tastes. It shouldn't make corals look bad. I doubt its bubble algea if it is making corals look bad.
Scopus Tang says I can have it just pay shipping. So no mention of hurting corals. My friend had it all over his tank and his corals were beautiful.
So if it is hurting the corals its something else. He hasn't e-mailed me back so I am going to call him by phone and try and get some insight.
Talk at ya later
Shyfish, as you stated, everyone has their own tastes, and to each their own
. I would be curious to know what book you are referencing that states that bubble algae is highly desirable, because all the books in my library describe it as a plague, and like any algae it can become invasive enough in a tank to smother corals (speaking from experience here). Perhaps you are confusing bubble algae with grape caleupera which is sometimes included in tanks by hobbiests?