Can anyone tell me what this is?


New Member
Found this on some rubble I bought, just wondering what it mt be............... some type of jellyfish or anemone??


lookes like an anenome to me:notsure:
a bubbletip at that:notsure: :confused:


Do the things on the end of the tentacles ever open up? From that picture that looks Excactly like my Pink Zoo's when they are closed but the picture is blurry so I can't say. But if they open up and are pink its a possibility.


New Member
This thing is so tiny, like a pencil eraser, so it's hard to get a good pic..... anyway, it's tentacles don't seem to open and close but they do get really long and the whole thing just closed up awhile ago, as tho' it were eating, so maybe it is an anemone, hard to tell w/something so small,
Neowind, do you have a pic of your pink zoo's to show? Would like to compare...............


New Member
did a search on anemones on google and found out that this is a club tipped anemone, also known as a strawberry anemone, the colors vary some......... thanks for your thoughts on this guys......