Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!

i rule

hi i have a 46 gallon tank. the guy at the petstore told me i should get a hermit crab per gallon. but i don't want any crabs they look like they will eat my nemos (i have 10 right now). so i thought maybe i should just get more nemos????!!!!!
my nemos are the real nemo nemos not the brown ones. i like the brown ones too, could i get ten of those as well!!!????

thx guys!!!


my first thought is no dont get anymore there are alot of fish in there now adding more might cause some major imbalances. and crabs dont add any bioload to a tank I would look at a cleanup crew and some different inverts and leave the fish as is and go from their. your at or above the stocking recomendations for a saltwater tank.


Active Member
im no expert but i tihink you should refer them as clown fish because ppl will expect you of just j umping into the hobby and not knowing anyhthing and they wont be to happy
if you dont want to then dont but thts m y 2 cents
didnt mean to get you mad
but good luck weith your tank

i rule

Originally Posted by alyssia
Guys, I think this is a troll...
wut's a troll? i know im a noob, i guess, but i don't think im a 'troll"
i guess i will keep my tank as it is if you guyz think so


Active Member
If it is a troll, all idiots have atleast 15 nemos.
They are clowns, NOT NEMO's and any idiot can tell you 2 is the max. And this is the nice version.

i rule

Originally Posted by hot883
If it is a troll, all idiots have atleast 15 nemos.
They are clowns, NOT NEMO's and any idiot can tell you 2 is the max. And this is the nice version.

it doesnt look very nice to me
you said i was an idiot


a troll is someone that lurks the board and says and does things to get people riled up. to cause conflicts. If you are really wanting advice this is the place to be but when go into a post and say
i think you photoshopped that pic
people think you are just here to cause problems.
We are all about the tank inhabitants and helping those that need and want the advice that we as a while have collected over the years of keeping the animals in this hobby so keep in mind this one point WE are not here to make a dime from you the petstore however is and most are out for the bottom line YOUR MONEY.
This is a great place for the info that you need though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by I Rule
it doesnt look very nice to me
you said i was an idiot
If the shoe fits, wear it. 10 clowns will not do in any tank. LFS have that many because they sell them, not house them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
If it is a troll, all idiots have atleast 15 nemos.
They are clowns, NOT NEMO's and any idiot can tell you 2 is the max. And this is the nice version.

told ya lol
but tht was a NICE version dont even get the other started

i rule

well sorry guys for being so dumb
10 1'' fish just didn't seem like so much for a 4' tank
i have 40 pounds of live rock and really strong lights, i think they were called metal halide?!!!
wut kind of crab should i get?


Active Member
Originally Posted by I Rule
well sorry guys for being so dumb
10 1'' fish just didn't seem like so much for a 4' tank
i have 40 pounds of live rock and really strong lights, i think they were called metal halide?!!!
wut kind of crab should i get?
It's not the 10 1" fish , it's the type. More than 2 clowns in the same tank will cause big problems. They will pair up and kill everyone else. As far as crabs go, they all have different purposes. Emerald or Mithrax carbs eat bubble algea, blue legs and red legs eat fish waste and extra food. If you are serious, sorry for the comment. Research, research, research.

i rule

i will return my clownfish to the petstore
i was reading about the pinktail trigger, it is supposed to be "reef safe"
so that means it wont eat my crabs that i get????
i think im gonna get zebra hermiy crabs
i also was reading about cleaner shrimp
how does these sound?????!!!!!!!!


lets all try and be nice.if we insult all the newbies that have made mistakes they might not come back and that would result in a lot of fish death. its not very polite or mature to call people names. we all know how bad some lfs can be so lets just help the guy out. as for your question you need to see if your lfs would take back some of your clowns. unless you have a HUGE tank you cant have more than 2 as stated earlier. i would see if they would trade some for an anemone for the 2 you keep; if you do have the metal halides. as for the crabs i would get an emerald,and maybe 20 hermits. other fish that might interest you would be lawn mower blenny,yellow watchman gobie with a pistol shrimp, maybe a sand sifting gobie(several types to choose from) sixline wrasse or some type of fairy wrasse.good luck and do a lot of reading and question asking.(here not your fish store)