Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!


your tank is too small for the trigger,but they can be reef thing to remember is fish are like people they can behave different than they are described.

i rule

thanks for the help
my mum might buy me a 77 gallon tank for my birthday
can i get a pinktail trigger and 4 cleaner shrimp???!!!!!

i rule

oh yeah if clownfish can only be kept two to a tank why do i always see them in small groups in other people's tanks????? :notsure:


75g may be pushing it the pinktails can get to 14in. it might be fine while its smaller but you would have to upgrade at some point. i would choose something smaller. the shrimp should be fine i guess ive never kept more than one.


like i said there will always be exceptions to the rule,but i wouldnt recommend keeping more than 2, and eventually they probably will fight and kill each other.when clowns pair they can be pretty mean.


if u keep the trigger well fed.. i doubt it.
i got a question guys...
the "nemo" in the movie is a False Percula right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
lets all try and be nice.if we insult all the newbies that have made mistakes they might not come back and that would result in a lot of fish death. its not very polite or mature to call people names. we all know how bad some lfs can be so lets just help the guy out. as for your question you need to see if your lfs would take back some of your clowns. unless you have a HUGE tank you cant have more than 2 as stated earlier. i would see if they would trade some for an anemone for the 2 you keep; if you do have the metal halides. as for the crabs i would get an emerald,and maybe 20 hermits. other fish that might interest you would be lawn mower blenny,yellow watchman gobie with a pistol shrimp, maybe a sand sifting gobie(several types to choose from) sixline wrasse or some type of fairy wrasse.good luck and do a lot of reading and question asking.(here not your fish store)

It's also not very nice or mature to come on here just to start trouble.


the guy just got some bad info from his lfs;a rare event right. and you are right its not nice or mature to start trouble. he is a rookie that made a mistake and you guys start bashing him. i say use this board for what it is; an educational tool, help the guy out or just dont respond if you think its a stupid question.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
If the shoe fits, wear it. 10 clowns will not do in any tank. LFS have that many because they sell them, not house them.
Amen. Preach it brother hot883. :hilarious


well.... when you name a thread "can i get more nemos" no one in their right mind is going to take you seriously... they're called clownfish. simple as that, and when you refer to them as nemos, it makes you sound quite young and immature. when you speak like a grown up, you'll be treated like a grown up, when you don't, you won't. That being said, 10 clowns won't survive in a tank togeter, and you shouldn't have that many fish in a 44g tank... also, why did you buy MH lighting? are you setting up a reef tank???


I'm curious to see pics of this overstocked tank if you have any!


Let's straighten this out, if you don't want to listen to us, that's fine, but atleast give us a chance to say something.
10 clowns is to many, 2 is the max, people with more than two, the clowns aren't usually mature, they very rarely do NOT, NOT run into problems. A pink-tail triiger will outgrow the tank, even if it's small, it will grow, saltwater fish's growth are not stunted by tank size like freshwater fish. The general rule is 1inch of fish per 5 gallons of water.


New Member
We have all made newbie mistakes--I bought an $50 flowerpot for crying out loud. Mistakes will happen and it is up to the experienced reefers on this site to give their opinions and leave it at that. I understand that people get upset at fishstores just trying to make a buck, but why take it out on this person. Maybe he (or she) really likes nemos. It's not like he has a clown trigger, 4 tangs, two dwarf angels and the nemos (or maybe a crocea with Pc lighting). Help or don't post!


New Member
All the kids that come into my store call them Nemo. Is there something wrong with using a "commercial" name are do we all wipe our nose with a facial tissue or a "Kleenex".


New Member
without the attention of a younger generation how will we ever save or reefs and become a more enviomently conscience hobby. And he mentioned his mom buying him a new tank (I.m guessing he still lives at home)

tx reef

Active Member
I don't have a problem with someone calling fish Nemo or Dori, I have a problem with some juvenile moron posting crap just to get everyone riled up.