Can I add water yet?


So I have everything I need except the rock. Everything. (I think). My plan was to put the rock in and add the sand in after that. I have the sand. But in the meantime of trying to find a good deal that won't break me on the live rock (that stuff gets expensive) can I add the water to get it going? Or is it pointless to start until I am able to add the rock and sand? I've been prepping for 3 months now and am finally to the point. I am assembling the plumbing to my sump now but that won't really take very long (yeah right!!).
Also, I ordered a refractometer and it doesn't come with instructions. I haven't really looked around for how it work yet but was wondering if someone could give me a quick and dirty of how I make it work.


Originally Posted by Biggredd
So I have everything I need except the rock. Everything. (I think). My plan was to put the rock in and add the sand in after that. I have the sand. But in the meantime of trying to find a good deal that won't break me on the live rock (that stuff gets expensive) can I add the water to get it going? Or is it pointless to start until I am able to add the rock and sand? I've been prepping for 3 months now and am finally to the point. I am assembling the plumbing to my sump now but that won't really take very long (yeah right!!).
Also, I ordered a refractometer and it doesn't come with instructions. I haven't really looked around for how it work yet but was wondering if someone could give me a quick and dirty of how I make it work.
Water away--it wont hurt anything but it won't do anything either...ya need sand and rock to start the cycle. You have any reef clubs in your area? any friends in the hobby?


Active Member
To calibrate your refractometer get RO/DI water and place a drop on it. There should be a screw or nob for calibration. Adjust to zero with RO/DI water.
As for the tank fill 3 quarters with RO/DI water and mix your salt right in the tank to 1.025 and start up the pumps/power heads. Let go for twenty four hours and your ready to add sand and rock.
For adding sand turn off pumps and slide sand down through a length of PVC to bottom of tank to limit sand storm. Allow to settle for an hour or two and turn your pumps and filters on. Tank should clear with in a day or two.
Mix up some water in a seperate container to use to top off the tank after your rock and sand are in place.
Good luck with your new tank.


I have no idea if there are any clubs around here. Don't know where to start looking. Guess I could ask the LFS. I'm going to purchase 50 lb base rock (previously live) tonight but won't be here for a couple days. I will purchase some LR soon. At least 25-50 pounds. Is that good enough for the cycle?
I have a 125 gallon tank.


Originally Posted by Biggredd
I have no idea if there are any clubs around here. Don't know where to start looking. Guess I could ask the LFS. I'm going to purchase 50 lb base rock (previously live) tonight but won't be here for a couple days. I will purchase some LR soon. At least 25-50 pounds. Is that good enough for the cycle?
I have a 125 gallon tank.

Yes that will work to cylce, remember the so called rule 10 pounds per gallon of rock. If you add more later, most likely you will start the cycle again.