Can I Do This???


IM wanting to set up a QT tank in a seperate room and i have a 30gl and a 10gl tank im wanting to use. the question is can i set the tank up with an overflow going from the 30 to the 10 just to QT fish so that i would have a good source of movement... and could i also use this tank when i get a new fish, to put the fish in for the 2 weeks to see if it healthy... if i get a fish with ick i would take him out of my main tank put him in this QT and drop the salinity untill he gets better... does all this sound ok???

bang guy

You don't want your Quaranteen tank connected to your Display tank. You don't even want to use the same nets, heaters, or even hydrometers.


Active Member
Bang I think the question was to use the 30 as QT and the 10 as a sump? Useing a OF and return for good flow?


ok LOL i guess i didnt expain very well my bad... lets try it this away... my main tank is a 55gal with a 20gal sump/fuge and i have 2 extra tanks just sitting around in another room, a 30gal and a 10gal, i was wondering if i could basicly to the same thing as my main tank with my QT. im wanting to put the 30gal up and the 10gal under it and put some LR in it and in the 30gal i would have LS,LR, and the other stuff i need for a QT, is this an ok way to set up a QT tank were i would put new fish in and sick fish in if they get ick??? wouldnt this be the easiest way to do it???

sinner's girl

yes, that would be fine to use the 30 and 10. And use it for a qt and hospital tank.
Make sure the qt is cycle of course before putting any fish in there. to cycle it you can use lr or shrimp. just take the lr out before using it for hopital (but do have something fish can hide/sleep in, just not anything 'alive'). But you can keep lr in the tank if it's used as qt.

sinner's girl

ummm...I don't know if lr will live through hypo, read FAQ or Disease & Treatment board, that will say. I always thought you had to remove lr for hypo, but I've never done it.


i dont know i hope i can leave the LR in the tank during hypo i cant find it anywhere saying you can or cant????


i dont think it is reccomended to have live rock in a tank with hypo i mean im sure you could but since alot of the live in live rock is inverts i dont think they will survive the process. JMO
if nessicary to have live rock in tank maybe you could just remove it to a heated/aireated tub durning they hypo process.

sinner's girl

Read this thread. It'll explain all about QT and Hypo
by jwtrojan44:
NOTE: This procedure can not be performed in an environment containing live rock, live sand or inverts [including crabs, snails, corals, etc.] If you have a strictly Fish-Only setup, then the treatment can be done within the display, otherwise, you will need to treat infected fish in a quarantine/hospital tank.