Can I get one?


I have a 29 gallon tank with 3 green Chromis 1 tomato clownfish and I am acclimating a lemon peel angelfish right now I have 4 peppermint shrimp (taking care of aiptasias) I have a green star polyp frag and a condy anemone in my tank. I would really like to get my tomato to host an anemone, but not sure of I can add another one with the condy in there and if I can what type on anemone would give me the best chance of my tomato hosting it? Thanks!
Also any Idea on any good live food to feed my tank? I feed them pellet food and some frozen brine shrimp every now and then want to give them a variety of food any good live food or seaweed?

bang guy

The Anemone I think has the best chance in a 29 gallon would be a Rose Bubble-tip. I'm not saying the chances of it thriving are good, not at all, just that of the hosting Anemone that one has the best chance. They will host Tomato Clownfish but that is not the natural host.

I'd give your chances of a long term thriving Rose Anemone at about 10%.


Active Member
Different species Anemone can sting each other which can kill them. Your tank is small so consistent water quality is a challenge. Rbta's are hardy but with that in mind what type of lighting do you have on the tank? Regular feeding once a week and tomato clowns get large. I would recommend a smaller clown. Large clowns can cause you anemone to be too disrupted to survive well. Long term survival is all in your husbandry skills. Daily inspection tank maintenance and good water quality are a must.