Can I join the Mandarin rescue Club


Active Member
I too rescued one today. I saw it at the lfs in a 4x4 tank with alge sheets duh. When i asked about it, i commentedon how skinny it was, and he gave it some brine shrimp. It did eat them, so i decieded to try and save it. I have a 55 gal with a small fuge. not too long ago i stocked it with two portions of pods. I got some more brine tonight, and will order some more pods. Itis pretty calm, and seems to be doing good.


Active Member
2 portions of pods probably wont last too long. How old was the 55 before you put him in?
Are you growing them in the fudge or the tank?
wow... your setting up a lot of htings.... a 150 soon, and arent you the one setting up a 29 for you son with a puffer (maybe a valentini?).... lol sorry for the off topics. i was just thinking im going crazy so i had to make sure the 29 was you too.
good luck with the mandarin. have you seen him sucking up anything on the live rocks yet?


Isn't it funny how the same fish come up at the same time for people.....seems like a certain fish is always dominating the boards...interesting.
Good for you, good luck with your mandarin!! Keep us updated!


Active Member
Fishieness, yes i am the one looking into a puffer for my son. And yes, i just got a new 150. neither one of those will be set up until my new house is finished. The 55 is only 3 mo old, but I have a fuge set up, and lots of live rock, and am going to order more pods, plus it is already eatting live brine. I know they arent the best, but better then what it had before. I am also going to try and find live mysis.We names it Kermit, because my 5yr old said it looked like a frog
Does anyone know how long brine shrimp live, and what salitity


Active Member
The issue with buying a fish to rescue........... it encourages the store to purchase more of the same and they will treat the new purchases the same. You can't buy them all so best to try an educate...then walk away. ...difficult to do
Brine shrimp has about the same nutritional value for saltwater fish as potato chips. Try and get him eating mysis if you can.
Best of luck and I do understand why you bought it.:D


Active Member
Last night i sucked some of my home made fish food up into a suringe,and squrted it right in front of its mouth,It seemed to eat some. today it is searching the rocks.,


Active Member
wow!! thats great if you can get him to eat flakes and other prepared foods! Rare i hear. I also hear you can put actualy vitamins in the water too for now since all you have is brine. Some food vitamin suppliments say how much to add to the actual aquarium so you can put some in directly if fish are sick or not eating. So in your case, it should be great if all you have is brine!
Wow!! a 29, a 55 and a well as a house! thats going to be awsome! haha


Active Member
He ate a little more prepared food today, and he is scooting around the rocks. a lot more active today then yesterday
The 55 gal is going to be turned into my sump/fuge for the 150


Hey, congratulation on the mandarin! Just one thing thou your mandarins a female, you can tell the difference by the dorsal spine. The male will have a long point where as the female will not. :)


Active Member
Actually, the mandarins are both males. Lizzard is right, the males have a distinguished dorsal spine, and the females do not. In Synchiropus splendidus, the difference is greatly noticeable, but it's very subtle in Synchiropus picturatus.


Sorry I disagree. I still see the above fish as a female. I have included some male/ female pictures.
First one male

bang guy

I agree that the "rescued" fish is a She.
IMO rescuing a mandarin is sentencing others to an ill fate.
Anthough the heart is in the right place it just encourages the store owner to order more.
A boycott might sentence the fish to starvation but it would discourage the store owner from buying more. They are a small neat fish but their demands are poorly understood.



Originally posted by schneidts
Actually, the mandarins are both males. Lizzard is right, the males have a distinguished dorsal spine, and the females do not. In Synchiropus splendidus, the difference is greatly noticeable, but it's very subtle in Synchiropus picturatus.

It was greatly noticable in my mandarins, as blurry as the pics are, I can see a real difference!!