Can I put my sand in the oven to steralize it?


Active Member
I have my eye on a craigslist deal for used sand. its 2 month old
"Ocean Direct Caribbean Live Sand". He wants $50 for 100lbs.
Can I just put it in a bucket for a couple months and let that kill everything? Or how about I put it in my oven and bake it for a couple hours? Any way you look at it...100lbs of sand for 50 bucks is hard to pass up.


Active Member
Dude, your picture freaks me out....
Anyways... if you do either of those two.. you'll have all the die off left in your sand and you don't really want all that in your tank. Honestly other than trying to rinse it by adding water, stirring up all the crap and draining it off a few times I'm not sure what would work the best... but that's what I would probably do.


Active Member
if it's truly 2 months old, i'd just rinse it in some saltwater and put it in my tank. just make sure the guy didn't whack the tank with copper meds before he gave up the hobby. if you see any living snails or other inverts in the tank, you should be ok.

bang guy

I'm not feeling warm & fuzzy about this transaction. I would pass because there's too much that can go wrong with it. If you personally know this person to be trustworthy that would be different.


Active Member
ya i spose your right.
I guess spending 150bucks and feeling cozy about it is better than $50 and biting my fingers.


Active Member
Buy all dry aragonite sand for your tank and then seed it with one bag of live. That should help save some dough... And a potential headache with used sand. They could have had cyano, in which case it could end up in your tank.


Active Member
if your tank is healthy, and functioning properly, adding some sand with cyano in it will not cause you to have a cyano outbreak.