Can I use well water?


New Member
I am on a well water system at my house and was wondering if this water is safe to be using in a saltwater tank? Hindsight says no because it probably has all sorts of minerals.


Active Member
Probably not safe to use. Better safe than sorry! You can go to a LFS and buy premade R/O saltwter. That water does not contain any phosphates and heavy metals, and whatever else bad can be in water that i have forgotten.
That would be a STRONG No ... Well water contains dirt, iron, maybe copper, and many other bad minerals ... Buy R/O water from your LFS or Wal-Mart.
Good luck !:happyfish


New Member
Cool, thanks guys. I pretty much knew the answer to that one already just wanted to confirm.
Would a filter like a PUR water filter, filter out all that crap?
No ... I would get a RO Unit, or just get the water from the store ... Much, much more filtered both ways, then using a cheap filter.

bang guy

I've used well water in the past. I used Calcium hydroxide to purify it. I found that the stress that unfiltered well water might make it into the tank too much for me. I recently re-installed my Hi-S RO filter and I'm glad I did. Now I don't have to worry.


we also have well water. it is a bit exspense right now to install a RO/DI and we rent so the landlord doesn't want to invest the money in it. but we NEVER use it in the tanks. even if we filter it. there is a R/O water filling station down the street so i would rather pay a quarter a gallon and be on the safe side then attempt to use the well water.


not to take any business away from swf, but i have been dealing with the same guy for over 10 years. he has several that are really knowledgable about sw. email me at and i will be more than happy to give you the details.