Can my system handle SPS????


I've got a 30g 175w MH, 2x24w CF, SeaClone 150 skimmer, Rena XP1 canister filter
Livestock: 2 saddleback clowns, green brittle star, blue legged hermits, turbo and nass. snails, colt leather, toadstool leather, green polyps, assorted zoo's, bubble coral, and xenia
I've had this set up for a few days over a year, so what do you think?


Your lighting is more than sufficient. How much LR do you have? you should have at least 1 lb. for gallon, with 1.5/gal being ideal. You will need 15-20X flow for SPS. Calcium around 400 is a definite must for hard corals.


Active Member
i would step up on the skimmer. up grade that, light is fine. is it possible to add a sump with fuge, or maybe a hang on fuge.
not trying to get you to spend money, but if your going to spend a good amount on SPS corals, then might as well have your tank at a better level. hope that didnt come across wrong.
DW62 was rite with the LR question.


Active Member
I agree, the skimmer could use an upgrade. The more important matter is your water parameters. What are the nitrAte, Phos and other levels that you test for?

bang guy

The Colt and the Toadstool are going to make it difficult for SPS to thrive. Not impossible but it's one strike against you.
I don't often recommend Ozone but it will reduce alleopathy. Frequent, large water changes will also help a lot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The Colt and the Toadstool are going to make it difficult for SPS to thrive. Not impossible but it's one strike against you.
Bang why is that? Just curious........


Active Member
Just a side note. It is well known that green brittle stars are fish eaters especially in a tank your size. So be careful, keep a good eye on it.


Unfortunately I'm a lackey and don't check my levels very often at all, maybe once in the past 2-3 months. The last time I checked they were O amm., O nitrate, O nitrite, and Ca was at like 340 or so. I do change 5g once a week for sure and most of the time twice a week.
Yes my skimmer does need an upgrade, but unfortunately don't have the dough for that right now, same goes for the fuge and sump.
LR I have a little over 1lb/gall.
Oh i've already witnessed my green brit. eat a shrimp of mine, since then I target feed him everyday a good chunk of either formula 1 or 2 and that keeps him appeased for now.
Sorry this is long, but I think I might break out and try out a monti frag, many people have agreed that the monti is a fairly hardy one and a good one just to try out basically. Hopefully it works out fine, so i'll keep everyone posted.

bang guy

Originally Posted by TurningTim
Bang why is that? Just curious........
Leather Corals are very adept at detecting competing corals. As soon as they detect a competitor they begin releasing toxins into the water column. This is common among corals and is called alleopathy in the plant world but it exists in the coral world as well, basically chemical warefare. The toxins inhibit growth in stoney corals and in a cramped environment like a 30 it can actually prevent Stonies from growing completely. Stonies that can't grow typically die.
In larger tanks it's less of a problem but it is still present.


Active Member
Sorry but I don't mean to hijack but.......
I ask b/c I'm trying my hand at SPS in a 55. just frags and I've seen some growth but I have a green leater and some cabbage. Is this a bad thing that should be taken out? What about LPS?
Again I apologize


Well the reason why I thought of trying it now was because I just fragged out my leather and my toadstool down to just a stalk and one nub of the colt. I was looking to trade them and I thought of maybe trading for an SPS to see if it would work.


You can have a small amount of softies but it may slow growth. If there are just a few little frags you'll be ok.
LPS depend more on stinging as self defense.
Remember for sps LOTS of flow.