Can someone ID these for me??


I am not sure what these things are but wanted to see if anyone could ID them for me. They dont look like they do much but sit around. the red stuff does look like the hole open and close sometimes. Anyway here are the pic's
So this is the pic of the RED THING. Don't know what it is looks kind of like a spong to me. OH, any advice on the Anemone looking thing next to it would be cool too.<br>
Ok on to pic number 2.<br>
Ok I am not sure what this thing is but I have about 3 or 4 of them on the rock in my tank. they are hard and don't do anything from what I have seen.<br>
One to pic number 3<br>
This stuff is very soft and will just break up and float away if it is near a powerhead. Again it does not look like this stuff does anything at all.<br>
I will post some pictures of my corals too.
Thanks for the help.


Photo 1. The red is a sponge, also the anemone looking thing is an anemone, an aptaisia anemone (not a good thing)
Photo 2. Don't know
Photo 3. Looks like another sponge to me.
Other than that, nice pics ;)


Are turkey wing clams ok? I have about 7 or 8 of them in my tank. They came on my rock. They open and close every now and again. I am not sure what they need to eat? Hope stuff like Kent zoo plex.:D


Active Member
1 spounge mabey . ide say that aiptasia in pic 1 also you should get rid of it do a search on aiptasia there is tons of info on it
2 no clue
3 another spounge mabey


The red thing is most definitely a tunicate with aptasia being the anemone looking thing. I second the turkey wing clam idea. The last thing looks to me to be an encrusting tunicate, but if it is crumbling it might not be living. How old is the tank? Is some of the rock new?
Good luck.:)


The tank is about 6months old and the newest rock is from Florida and about 2months old. I guess the stuff is not really crumbling but just breaks up if near high current, it really looks like if touched it would feel like jelly.


Active Member
1. The "Red thing" is a tunicate, or in other words, a sea squirt. The anemone is, as stated above, an aiptasia.
3. Looks like an encrusting sponge to me.


I also have an anemone like that in my tank; however, I don't think it is aiptasia. It has not reproduced and the peppermint will not touch it. I originally thought it was aiptasia but I could not find any photo identification that looked exactly like it so I left it alone. After three months now it has remained on good behavior although I do look out for more just in case, so far none.


Active Member
BTW.....definately looks like aiptasia.....some people get a little confused because there is more than one type of "aiptasia..........aiptasia tagetes, aiptasia pallida, aiptasia pulchella, aiptasia diaphana, etc etc I don't have a full list of them, but pallida and pulchella seem to be the most common in tanks.

bang guy

1 - Red Tunicates, coule be Metandrocarpa taylori.
2 - What Melody said.... the leftover byssal gland from a Clam.
3 - Colonial Tunicates, probably a species of Aplidium sp.