can someone please help me... i know people are on here. my fish may be suffering :(


I bought 2 false percula clowns 2 days ago and one of them is swimming a little funny and not eating. The other seems to be fine. I went to the pet store and bought the pellets that they were feeding them but i had no luck. I also tried to soak the food in garlic to entice them to eat. Nothing is working. The one who isn't eating also layed on his side on the bottom during the day. Help please :(


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jiggyfizzle
I bought 2 false percula clowns 2 days ago and one of them is swimming a little funny and not eating. The other seems to be fine. I went to the pet store and bought the pellets that they were feeding them but i had no luck. I also tried to soak the food in garlic to entice them to eat. Nothing is working. The one who isn't eating also layed on his side on the bottom during the day. Help please :(
try reposting this in the fish disease section. It really doesn't look good for your fish, I think it was too late before you even posted. But you never know...hope someone can help.


okay well since they were in this state when i bought them should i make some type of claim to the pet store where i purchased them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jiggyfizzle
okay well since they were in this state when i bought them should i make some type of claim to the pet store where i purchased them?
your Clownfish was acting and swimming like this when you bought him?


Active Member
get some mysis shrimp. in a separate container, let it thaw in some tank water, rinse off with some RO water into a net, and put it into your tank! make sure no water from the thawing process goes into your tank. my clowns didnt eat for a week when i bought them. i soaked the mysis with some garlic and they gobbled it up right away.
are your clowns ORA bred? if so, try some ORA pellets since that is all ORA mainly feeds.
laying in the sand sounds somewhat normal, but during day time-seems weird. keep in mind that clown fish are extremely strange fish, just look at my avatar. that is my armor of gods zoa frag that my picasso hosts. extremely out of the ordinary. when i first got him and his ex-wife, they never really swam around the tank. since you just got them, chances are that they are a little stressed..have you tested your water?
have you eever owned a pair of clowns before? if so, is their "funny swimming" something you have seen before?


i didnt really pay attention to the behaviors of the fish before i purchased them (oops :( i am still new to this). I will go to ***** this evening and buy some mysis shrimp. I dont know what ORA bred stands for? the tag at ***** said that they were tank bred and fed pellet food but i bought the pellet food they are using and they are not eating it. They dont look slimy but do seem stressed. my ph is 8.2 specific gravity is 1.022. nitrate is about 5 ppm and nitrite is about .05 (nitrite was 0 when i put the fish in. I think it is up because of the addition of the fish and they decaying food they havent been eating) I did a 10-15% water change yesterday and was told to do one again today. should I do that? thanks for the help everyone


the tank was cycled with live rock. I am trying to get rid of the nitrite with water changes. It was at 0 ppm when i added the fish. I was told that a little spike is normal when you add your first fish


Active Member
From what I have seen at ***** (floating in the tanks) it isn't the best place to buy fish. There may be some sort of guarantee though, call them and explain. How were these two acclimated?
Did you find anything over at the disease forum?


Originally Posted by jiggyfizzle
the tank was cycled with live rock. I am trying to get rid of the nitrite with water changes. It was at 0 ppm when i added the fish. I was told that a little spike is normal when you add your first fish
How old is your tank?
you may need to get Prime or Amquel+ to detoxify the trites.....From what I have may mess up your testing, BUT it will make it so the water is not toxic to the fish


i have nutrafin cycle and kent pro ammonia detox. but i have been very careful not to overmedicate (i learned that lesson with my freshwater tank). Are those sufficent


Originally Posted by jiggyfizzle
i have nutrafin cycle and kent pro ammonia detox. but i have been very careful not to overmedicate (i learned that lesson with my freshwater tank). Are those sufficent
I do not know what they are...BUT are they ammonia, nitrite, nitrate....neutralizers??


the kent pro ammonia detox says it can be used directly in marine aquariums to detoxify ammonia nitrite and nitrate. the other one says that it quickly metabolizes ammonia and nitrites. I dont know which one to use and im assuming it is not safe to use them together


I'm not positive but that is the way one of my clowns was acting and he ended up having brooklynella and then died. If this is the case you will start to see a white slimy substance on the the fish. If that does happen you will want to either do a freshwater dip or a formalin 3 treatment. However if they are just swimming weird than you will probably be fine. Laying on the ground however is another symptom my clown had. I have not had problems with ***** fish but they do not guarantee salt fish so you may want to ask the fish specialist at the store whats up. They are usually helpful if you get the person that actually works in the dept. not the general workers. good luck. Your salt is a little low to I think, especially if thats with a hydrometer reading it could actually be a little lower.


Originally Posted by jiggyfizzle
the kent pro ammonia detox says it can be used directly in marine aquariums to detoxify ammonia nitrite and nitrate. the other one says that it quickly metabolizes ammonia and nitrites. I dont know which one to use and im assuming it is not safe to use them together
OK, I am no expert on this, BUT if I had signs of nitrites, I would use the one that detoxifies it...


OH NO! that might be it. I can see something when they go up to the top that looks white and stringy. :(... the other doesn't seem to have it but his one stripe on his face seems to have some spots where it looks like the white has faded off and there is orange. Can someone give me detailed instructions on what to do please?


Originally Posted by jiggyfizzle
OH NO! that might be it. I can see something when they go up to the top that looks white and stringy. :(... the other doesn't seem to have it but his one stripe on his face seems to have some spots where it looks like the white has faded off and there is orange. Can someone give me detailed instructions on what to do please?
Best thing to do is go to the disease forum, and read all about it there...GOOD LUCK


After checking out the symptoms online I definitely think that they have it. someone help. I may put this is the disease forum too.. feel free to answer in either one