Originally Posted by
Thanks for the picture Olga, from the sound of your name you are a nice old lady, I still dont like you but at least you posted a pic of the skimmer. It doesn't look that bulky to me, people make them out to be monsters hanging off the tank. Oh and I dont drink but thanks for the offer
600k4679805. You are not very attentive guy! I did said: "ITS NOT BULKY" (where is caps letters police?)
Since you got that wrong: does it meant you got wrong that I am an old lady also. ;-)
I have Red sea prizm HOB skimmer, and its dreadful! If you looking for HOB skimmer, I will advise you Deltec brand. Its a bit more bulky, not much, more expensive the RSP but at least it does the work, and not constant adjustment needed. Trust me here please. Google for it. I did, (but can't post link here) and I know you can buy it in US.