Can someone point me in the right direction.


Active Member
I have all sorts of pics and data collected on all sorts of tank hitchhikers. I've been trying to put together a guide but for the life of me, have not been satidfied with anything I've come up with. Can anyone point me to websites that would have cool ideas for tables. Or anything you may think would be helpful. I'm a webpage buildin' noob. I know basic HTML and am armed with Dreamweaver CS3 and some templates. I don't know CSS. I just bought Lynda's Dreamweaver tutorials so I should be a little bit brighter soon... LOL.


I can't help with the specifics, but have you set something up for us to use? I believe there is a hitchhiker board on here. Have you posted your list on SWF?


Active Member
I just have massive amounts of pictures spread over 4 hardrives. I don't have any organizational programs so I know there are so many photos lost in the masses.
I'm trying to make a webpage but I can't picture how I want it to look... just that I know I haven't liked anything I've come up with.


Active Member
I'd really like to see your own page up - the hitchikers thread sticky is a good idea but with all the different types off hitchhikers Cranberry's got it would be cumbersome to navigate. I think a page with directories would be a great idea....unfortunately I lack those computer skills, but there's gotta be someone on here who knows :)


Active Member
I've poured over so many templates looking for ideas my eyes are crossing.
Ohhhh.... I wasn't even aware there was a hitchhikers sticky.


Active Member
I love Chuck.. great guy, great knowledge, great pictures.... not so great website organization IMO. I have trouble getting around in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
A wha?
And it has to be very eye peeling.....
Oh this isn't for your own reference? If you really have TONS of information, and you aren't a web builder wiz, it might be time to pony up and pay someone. A think you might consider is going to a local college, and paying someone to do it on the side.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I love Chuck.. great guy, great knowledge, great pictures.... not so great website organization IMO. I have trouble getting around in there.

The hitchhiker part is very easy to navigate though.


Active Member
Sorry, I don't find it as such... maybe it's just me. *shrugs* But why would I want to arrange a guide to resemble another guide on the same topic?
K, I found a pattern. I'm trying to make it using tables and coloured borders and what not in Dreamweaver... I'm failing.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Oh this isn't for your own reference? If you really have TONS of information, and you aren't a web builder wiz, it might be time to pony up and pay someone. A think you might consider is going to a local college, and paying someone to do it on the side.
But I wanna be a web builder wiz... :) Okay not a wiz... a web builder get-by-er.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
But I wanna be a web builder wiz... :) Okay not a wiz... a web builder get-by-er.
Even then, when you are writing html you are linking your pictures from the html. You are going to need to have all the pictures organized on a server or something. So you don't have to move them after you start writing your html.


Active Member
stdreb is right. what you are asking for is to have your data organized. for that, you need a database. anytime you are trying to find something you will be running queries against this database returning resultsets. im a database admin for a living. this is something you are not going to pick up overnight. you need to hire a kid to build it into your website design of choice. the design and aesthetics of it has no bearing on the data part really. it was also a good idea to post it up in the commons of a local tech school.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
it was also a good idea to post it up in the commons of a local tech school.
Gotta let the geeks play with it. They do this stuff for fun.

(I'm in document control/database development and management)


Active Member
I actually got a little off track from the original question. I'm not looking for (well yes I am, but not what this question is about) ways to organize data but am looking for ways to present data.
What I would like to have is a quick scan thumbnail pics of all sorts of common hitchhikers arranged into 2 categories "motile" and "sessile". On this front page I have decided to try to have book end pics of the same critter with little blurn in the center. I got that idea off of one of those ID poster things. Not sure if this will work until I look through my pictures. Some I know are 1 pic 1 chance photo ops.
But now to figure out a template.... ick.


Active Member
unfortunately before you can present it, you have to organize it.
idk what poster thing you are referring to, but are you saying you want everything displayed all at once for the two categories? that can and will be a huge amount of pictures and very taxing on servers and browsers. it will likely work better as something where you can drill down to the specific item you are looking for, by a variety of different search characteristics, such as color, body, shape, etc. each of these characteristics become a searchable field in a database that you will have to add to.
you can start by putting all the pictures in one place, and make sub-folders and naming conventions so all of the photos can be retrieved quickly even by just you looking for them manually.