Trust me , I was upset. And when he's sober he's the sweetest person I know. This was the first time he ever did something like this. I will definitey be calling him tomorrow to give him a piece of my mind. I told him about the mantis and he thought that was stupid. He hit it for a second time and was like see look at how thick this glass is. I was like instead of loosing a great and out of all my family including my side he's the one that we can depend on especially loosing my 8 year old son two and a half years ago I just walked off because it takes two to argue and went in my room and my other brother in law went outside. After arguing his point to his sef for about five minutes he shut up. You guys really cheered me up. And you probably want to know why Im replying at 438 in the morning? LOL . Well my hubby woke me up because our blinds kept moving. I turned on the lights and saw this huge frog behind the blinds. I have a glass sliding door in my bedroom which looks out to the screened in pool. Im still trying to figure out how he got inside. We have a pool and a canal behind the house, but the pool has a screen around it.We bought this house i August and this is the second one we have found in the house. The other one was months ago in our bathroom. And this is the funny part, my husband is scared of them too, so I had to go wake my mom up to come help get him outside.Now Im awake and too scared to go back to sleep, so I turned to SWF to help calm me down.Ok thanks again guys and sorry for the long story.