can this really happen?


Active Member
possibly not, ive never heard of a damsel hosting with a anemone except a clown. Maybe it might try to to eat the domino


Active Member
Yes, I have also heard that some damsels will host in an anemone. Not very common though.


Active Member
I agree with Bang Guy, not from personal experience, but I've read that dominoes love to live in anenomes, especially when they are young. Aren't damsels techniquely anenome fish?


Active Member
at christmas, we lost power, 3 days and nothing survived, except for an orange linkia starfish
before that, we had an18 inch carpet, and 2 percula clowns with a domino
the clowns were not even allowed near it. The domino, took right to it and played in it all day long, everyday. If anything came near the anemone, he would chase them out. Heck, the darn thing would bite me left and right, while I was feeding the anemone. would get nipped at least 6 to 8 times, every feeding. Luckily, the domino did not hurt, and is not venomous at all. It was amusing at first, but became very annoying FAST.
So, yes it is possibe, often different damsels will host in anemones, not jsut the domino. Just that clowns are more noted for doing so.


New Member
Quoted from Marine Community Aquarium by Dr. Leon Zann:
Schools of juvenile dominofish, dascyllus trimaculatus, a damselfish of the Indo-Pacific, shelter very close to and sometimes among the tentacles of the Indo-Pacific giant anemones. These fish, jet black with white spots, are also very conspicuous and if threatened dart into the tentacles. Presumbably they too possess the "host-recognition" mucus although they do not bathe in the tentacles for long periods. As the school grows older it spends less and less time among the tentacles. The adults do not hide in the tntacles but are often found in the vicinity of the anemone. More often they shelter in the branching coral Pocillopora.
Just read it yesterday so was fresh in my tiny mind :D