I sometimes wonder if ich lays dormat in live rock. It seems that people either love live rock or despise it. In my saltwater mostly fish tank, (I have 3 pieces of live rock in it for appearance and for something to hide behind and pick at. But sometimes, I wonder, if you are doing fish only, I think not having rock in it reduces the chances, in addtion to good water quality and stable temps.
I know with the weather change, you have to double check the temps of your tanks. A suddent drop unoticed in your tank can make them sick.
My question is, once you have eliminated ich from your tank and it has been more than the 30+ days since it has been around, and if you have not introduced any new fish or animals - then how can fish ever develop ich again. Is it fair to say, that it is impossible for a fish to get ich if ich has been completely cleaned out of the tank (which I did for 6 weeks to be sure) and you never introduce a new animal without QT, and keep params stable and clean - is it safe to say, you can't possibly get ich.
Even if someone never added any new fish or animals and they let their water depreciate somewhat, how could stress or poor water quality do anything to the fish other than reduce it's imune and create stress. If ich isn't present int he tank, it can't invade - right?
I defer that question to Beth, since Beth was a godsend in helping me battle ich in the first month I had a saltwater tank. Beth, I have never forgotten your help and will always be appreciative of your help at that time. Your the best