Can you give me some info please


Active Member
Well i might order a eel,crabs,and a plant from this site. Do you think i should buy from this site or another?How long do you think it will take if it comes from florida to missouri?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Cartman101
How long do you think it will take if it comes from florida to missouri?
They ship overnight delivery and they will send you an e-mail when they ship with a tracking number.


Active Member
You can definitely believe in the overnight delivery. It came from Florida and reached us hicks in North Dakota overnight. That's basically the end of the earth. :joy: We were very happy with our order from them and are right now figuring out what we want to order again. :cheer:


this site is a good site to order from but i also have ordered from a few others. i have been satisfied with all of them. just search for the best deal. yes eveything is overnight and has a stay alive guarantee. never order from a place that doesn't have a guarantee.


also read their guarantee. I am planning on ordering from here the next week or so. I just have to make sure me or my wife will be here for the delivery. Only reason i have not yet ordered. h*


I haven't ordered from any online source and am not sure I ever will. Don't the people who order online want to see the fish they are going to get? Make sure they have nice colors and are eating before adding to our tanks?
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with ordering online, but at least at a lfs I can pick the healthiest specimen.

kart racer

I ordered a pair of seahorses that came from California with no problem. As long as everything is packed and shipped right all should be ok. And I would be sure this site knows what they are doing.


They sent it from florida for me in the afternoon and came to souther california at 8:41, pretty good, 2 hours before they said it was gonna get here and they were perfectly healthy


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
I haven't ordered from any online source and am not sure I ever will. Don't the people who order online want to see the fish they are going to get? Make sure they have nice colors and are eating before adding to our tanks?
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with ordering online, but at least at a lfs I can pick the healthiest specimen.
Yeah, but my lfs cant get squat in
:mad: stupid lfs