I live on an intercoastal canal on the Atlantic side of FL.
They are predatory. I dropped a baby shrimp that I caught behind the house and it snatched it up in about 2 secs. I've been feeding them small pieces of jumbo shrimp.
They don't sift sand through their gills, but one of them uses its tail to move it around alot.
The one is about 3.5 inches and the one with the yellow dorsal is < 1 inch
I'm not sure of the temp outside, I imagine it jumps around b/c of the tide and the sun. I want to do a water test on it, see what comes out. I have a feeling it will have extremely high nitrates.
It is in my saltwater aquarium. I started another one so I can put canal fish in it and learn about what's in there. So far, I've caught small pompano's, shrimp, gobies, lots of figure 8 puffers, snappers, a snook, what I think was a ghost eel, blue crabs, fiddler crabs, catfish, a toadfish, a remora, and 6 bull sharks. Definately won't be going swimming in there. :scared:
Thanks, Dogstar, I'll look through that.