Can you Identify this?


New Member
Can someone please tell me what this is? I am amazed every week at what is on the rock that I bought. Something new jumps out all the time....
It looks like a flat piece of leather in all different odd shapes. Along the outside of the shape are these yellow circles or spots. The leather looking thing, is actually a different color then the rock itself. Kind of hard to tell in the picture.
One more thing about these. 6 months ago when I got the rock, I did notice one or two of these. I thought they were tenticales from a star fish and the rest of it was under the rock. Now, as you can see, I have a lot more then just two.



New Member
I thought so too, but they are not moving much at all. Or even if they are moving. Look to be in the same location this morning.


I agree with Bang. I had one rock that was filled with those..some of the greatest designs I have ever seen...very tight, like a Brain...
problem was, they were all dead...


Active Member
They are "neutral" or good if you consider more diversity good. Otherwise they are harmless filter feeders.