Canister Filters, best - worst?


I have Fluval and I am happy with them (one ea for my fresh and saltwater tanks).
But you can't count my opinion because I haven't used another brand of canister.


i've been very happy with my Fluval 404 over the last years , first using it on a fish only rank with full chambers . now with the conversion to reef i'm only running carbon - with of course the mechanical filter pads .
works 4 me anyway...............and has been the most reliable so far i've used .
Katrina Land , louisiana


Active Member
I've been using an Eheim 2217 for about 2 years now. Aside from cleaning it out every few months its been maintenance free and VERY effective. I havent used any other brands though so I really dont have a good comparison.

ty dragon

New Member
I love the Eheim on Turtle tanks...Haven't used them on Fish though....They don't clog as fast as the Fluvals do nor the Proquatics (Petsmart) junk ones.
Just a PITA to clean out....But I think all of them are a PAIN....The Eheims fill from the bottom and clean comes out of the top...Lots of room for the bio stuff !!!


I have the Filstar XP3. Very easy to clean and does a great job with the water. I like the flexibility with adding media to the top basket!


i have been using a magnum 350 for 12 yrs. it still works great, easy to clean, and you can buy a pro with bio wheel and attachments for $89. online. i also have a fluval and i think it is a pain in the butt. just my opinion, go with your gut


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
I dont have one, should I get one of these?
No, as long as you have a filter, you are fine. This is just another type. I still like sumps the best.


Active Member
I have a nu-clear canister...cost like 160$ though...I'm upgrading to a sump and skimmer and stuff soon


Active Member
I have a Nu-Clear using a 25mic filter. Things are great, has a spot in the center for medea, and can run up to 1600gph, I have a 1537gph on it and its very nice.


Active Member
If you are still in the planning stages, I personally would reconsider using a cannister filter at all. I would personally go with a sump or wet/dry depending on what sort of things you are keeping.


Originally Posted by ophiura
If you are still in the planning stages, I personally would reconsider using a cannister filter at all. I would personally go with a sump or wet/dry depending on what sort of things you are keeping.
Amen to that. Although I do have a canister filter, it sits on the shelf until truly needed for special occations. Perhpas to occationally polish the water or for emergancy use.


I have a magnum 250 HOT. I like it. All i use it for is to run carbon every few weeks though. Right now it is providing flow in my 20 long with newly cycled rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
If you are still in the planning stages, I personally would reconsider using a cannister filter at all. I would personally go with a sump or wet/dry depending on what sort of things you are keeping.
I have a 404 and was using it to filter water and circulation. Ophiura would you skip the canister all together, I've got 4 tanks going up and this one is a fish only, 90g, LS, wet/dry.


Active Member
If you have a properly sized wet dry, I see no need to use the canister for anything more than polishing now and then. It is redundant. I would add a powerhead for some circulation. Do you have any LR?


Active Member
I dont own a canister filter. Would like to get one soon. The Diatom filters by Vortex are outstanding for freshwater tanks, and claim that they wont disturb benificial bacteria in marine systems. I havent heard much mention of them for marine tanks though.


Active Member
The wet/dry is sized for the tank. 2" LS bed. 96w compact light with moonlight. This is a show tank and is 36" tall, so I skipped LR for this tank. It's filled with coral heads that I have had for 15-20 years (I will no longer buy them) I simply don't want the look of LR in this tank as I don't think it will do very well at this depth? Or should I atleast try some LR? Maybe try and pile it up high..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
I dont own a canister filter. Would like to get one soon. The Diatom filters by Vortex are outstanding for freshwater tanks, and claim that they wont disturb benificial bacteria in marine systems. I havent heard much mention of them for marine tanks though.

Rarely are diatom filters used for any more than short term clarifying of a tank...maybe run for a few hours for polishing.
They won't disturb the bacteria because those are on surfaces...but, IMO at least, in a reef tank they would be somewhat detrimental. If a tank is running well, IMO, there is just no need for a diatom filter other than for use now and then like after a water change.
Maxalmon - is this a predator tank or with large fish? Anyway, IMO if the wet dry is the right size, there shouldn't be a problem, so long as the tank is not overstocked, etc. But then a canister won't help you much if it is anyway.