Originally Posted by Phixer
I dont own a canister filter. Would like to get one soon. The Diatom filters by Vortex are outstanding for freshwater tanks, and claim that they wont disturb benificial bacteria in marine systems. I havent heard much mention of them for marine tanks though.
Rarely are diatom filters used for any more than short term clarifying of a tank...maybe run for a few hours for polishing.
They won't disturb the bacteria because those are on surfaces...but, IMO at least, in a reef tank they would be somewhat detrimental. If a tank is running well, IMO, there is just no need for a diatom filter other than for use now and then like after a water change.
Maxalmon - is this a predator tank or with large fish? Anyway, IMO if the wet dry is the right size, there shouldn't be a problem, so long as the tank is not overstocked, etc. But then a canister won't help you much if it is anyway.