Can't get rid of this stuff!!


I have a bunch of free floating debris in my tank that I can't seem to filter out to save my life!
I've put a filter sock over the output of the overflow and added a few pads into my sump but this stuff doesn't seem to go away. It's been going on for a few months now. It really detracts from the look of the tank. Getting frustrated.
Any ideas?


if it is floating that is a good thig, it says you have great watermovement... are these particles big?


About the size of a grain of sand... they just won't go away! Some stuff (hairs and such that happen into the tank) hang out for a long time as well before they get picked up by my mechanical media as well... I just don't get it.
Perhaps I need to increase flow through my sump? I hope not because that means I need to buy another overflow.


I am also battling some 'surface scum'. The diverter on my maxi-jet broke and I haven't been able to get the right amount of surface agitation for the past few days... the problems appear to be unrelated however. Or are they.... it seems to have gotten worse after I broke my PH.
I think I may have just answered my own question.

bang guy

What you are describing sound like Dissolved organic compounds. A good skimmer will quickly remove it.


Thanks for the response Bang Guy.
I had been wondering about that as they have been plaguing my tank since the beginning. Can I get you to call my wife and tell her that I need to buy a EuroReef :) lol! I'm using a SeaClone now and hate it.
Do you think the two issues, surface scum and these particles, are related? After thinking about what has happened after my PH broke I believe that they might be... so much to learn so little money to fix it all.

bang guy

Yes, I believe it's related. You can get an overflow or just ruffle the water but that doesn't remove the DOCs just gets them back in the water.


I have the surface scum on the side opposite my protein skimmer. It does look bad and maybe even blocks some light. Every time I change some water I try to skim as much off the top as I can. It helps but not for long. Maybe put the skimmer in the middle? Buy another?

bang guy

Don, add a powerhead to circulate & agitate the water surface so your skimmer has access to the stuff.


i have the same problem i thought it was dust from the surface so i got rid of all the dead spots on the surface but i still have
floating particles, maybe my skimmer is junk i have a etss reef devil it seems to be working fine. i just kinda gave up on
getting rid of it i have tried eveything , carbon , phosphate sponge i even changed the filters on my ro/di filter after running carbon for 24 hours it got rid of alot of it but it was back the next day i am running out of things to try this is my 3rd tank and this is the 1st time i have had this problem

bang guy

Many "particles" are invert larvae. You really don't want to get rid of them IMO. If it's floating detritus it should eventually settle or get trapped by a filter feeder.