Can't wait for tomorrow!


Active Member
Tomorrow is the day I get everything for my fuge, plants,rocks,ect. I also will get a shark egg! I was talking with the lfs owner and he said the egg could be due in about another 2 months. So heck, I'm going to go get it. I have great water quality (should become even better with the fuge!):
Nitrate - 8ppm
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.2 (should I raise it?)
Salt - 1.025
If anyone was suggest about the egg please send a reply, but nothing like "dont get it". I already got my plans for when the lil guy gets to big for my tank. But he should be fine in there for at least 14 months. :happyfish


Active Member
Sounds like you have everything covered pretty well. It doesn't seem like there is anything we can say but good luck with the egg. Your water parameters are good (leave the pH as is), and it sounds like you have made the appropriate arranegments for the shark once it gets too large.


Active Member
Yes I have LionCrazzz. I did LOTS of homework on it, even researched at school(hey whats school for??). I did another water check today and nitrates are lower! Its almost like its undetectable but there is a small yellow tint when I measured it. I got little cave for egg (it will be in the treasure chest, when it hatches I will take the chest out).


I have about 4x times rated filtration for my tank and still can't get my trates to 8ppm. You might want to re-test, or try a different test kit as it's almost impossible if not, for your current set-up and inhabitants.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Sounds good. I hope everything works out for you.
It should. Sump is running great, the fuge should help, and I have a skimmer.The only thing I'm ticked off about is....PICTURES! I wont beable to take pics of the egg
.There maybe away though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Titan
I have about 4x times rated filtration for my tank and still can't get my trates to 8ppm. You might want to re-test, or try a different test kit as it's almost impossible if not, for your current set-up and inhabitants.
Yes I did another test today, that was from yesterday.
Nitrate is undetectable on it now
( Theres just a SMALL little yellow tint in the test tub, yellow meaning 10ppm)
Nitrite & Ammonia - undectable too!
pH 8.2
Salt- same
Temp - 77.9
It may have been from the 15gal water change I did? The test kit I have is a "fasTesT master kit. SeaTest product from the makers of Instant Ocean." And also what kind of fish do you have?


I'm just speaking from the six years experience I've got in this hobby. Even a tank with a tonne of LR in it top-notch filtration, movement, etc.... will register trates. Remove fish outt've a tank, leave it for 6 weeks and you'll still have 10ppm nitrate. People with huge reefes like 600GL and up can do it; massive filtration,volume,light stocking is the key. I've yet to see it on mulitiple tanks up to 360GL, so please tell me whats your secret?


Active Member
Well you know there are those people who do have nitrates lower then 5. Lots of people on this board have less then 5. All I have done was set up my sump, fill it up with 17gal of RO water. Then in about a week and a half later 15gal waterchange. BUT I think I know why my trates are at that level......I took my emperor 400 off


Active Member
My trates are 2...I use salifert. They have been undedectable. I have a 95gal FOWLR I have a UV, and a canister. In the tank I have a cleaner shrimp, 2perc clowns, bluespot jawfish, and a royal gramma. I also have 100lbs of LR, it's definately possible, 1st tank and was set up on xmas. No hijack intended just flowing with the thread. What kind of shark is it, do you have a 10,000gal tank or are you giving it to an aquarium...if you do have a 10,000gal tank I would LOVE to see some pics. I would get a shark but a big no no in a 95. I'm going for a shark/ray/eel/tang tank when I'm older...only 15 though. Good Luck with the shark and keep us posted


Active Member
Yeah, I agree that it is pretty darn hard to get your nitrates that low in any tank that is stocked decently with fish, but everyone has their own methods of success. As long as you have double checked the kit's accuracy (say, maybe with your LFS), then keep up the good work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
My trates are 2...I use salifert. They have been undedectable. I have a 95gal FOWLR I have a UV, and a canister. In the tank I have a cleaner shrimp, 2perc clowns, bluespot jawfish, and a royal gramma. I also have 100lbs of LR, it's definately possible, 1st tank and was set up on xmas. No hijack intended just flowing with the thread. What kind of shark is it, do you have a 10,000gal tank or are you giving it to an aquarium...if you do have a 10,000gal tank I would LOVE to see some pics. I would get a shark but a big no no in a 95. I'm going for a shark/ray/eel/tang tank when I'm older...only 15 though. Good Luck with the shark and keep us posted
See Titan, theres another person with low nitrates
. I dont have a 10,000gal tank lol! It will be going to a public aquarium. I will keep you all posted, just dont expect pics yet, however I will try my best to take good pics! And I will recheck with my LFS.


Active Member
Awesome...what kind of shark is it, or do you not know...also how much did the shark egg cost?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
Awesome...what kind of shark is it, or do you not know...also how much did the shark egg cost?
I have to travel 90miles to pick it up, its in Arkansas. The owner of the lfs is a really smart and nice guy he told me that the egg could be a banded cat shark or coral cat but he told me he thinks its a banded. I dont' know how much it is yet. Though the owner is holding it for me, he was actully holding it since Sunday. What a nice guy huh.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggered
Are you going to the store in Rogers?
Why yes I am! Titan, you can go back there we dont need you here its ok. And everyone at that site are B*&% to me.