Can't wait for tomorrow!


Active Member
Hey guys! Short break huh! LOL. Well I got it! And my lion is very curious! My trigger wont even go by the egg, I think he knows what will come out of it
. I got some questions.
1) What way should I lay the egg down? The side where theres alot of algae laying on the sand?
2) My lfs gave me a algae clip to hook the egg on the glass, how should I do this. Is this a good Idea? Where should I clip it?
3) Is my chocolate starfish going to eat it? (i just now realized about that)


Active Member
oh cartman!!!
i thought you knew everythign and did all your research??
once again should have thought this over!! but good luck with it man


Active Member
Well the lfs said lay it with the algae side on the sand. And with the algae clip they said clip it at the end and place the egg in the middle. I'm just double checking with the forums you guys.


Originally Posted by Cartman101
Well the lfs said lay it with the algae side on the sand. And with the algae clip they said clip it at the end and place the egg in the middle. I'm just double checking with the forums you guys.
i think you made a big mistake getting that egg.


ive hatched 3 of them and they have all been on the bottom of the tank, not sure if it matters but i maid sure he was right side up in the egg. Good luck with him and dont let these others get you down, enjoy him while you can


Active Member
Originally Posted by NW2SLTFSH
hey there Cartman -
Good luck on the egg I know you have been wanting one for as long as I have been a member of this board so I am happy to see your are getting your wish
You stated that you are getting paperwork tomorrow for the public aquarium to take it when it outgrows your tank - how did you arrange that?
I have called all my LFS in the area to find out what to do with my Lion when it outgrowns the tank or just gets too big to stay in there with anything else and they all told me they dont take fish back of that size - so I was attempting to figure something out _ I would appriciate any info you have
I'm not getting it tomorrow its next month the paper work. It was quite easy to arrange that. Theres a new OutDoor world opening up in my city and I went and told them all about my tank,fish, and college plans. And I asked them if they could take my fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeftank27
ive hatched 3 of them and they have all been on the bottom of the tank, not sure if it matters but i maid sure he was right side up in the egg. Good luck with him and dont let these others get you down, enjoy him while you can
Yeah lots of these people on this board (pretty much all GR members) are giving me a hard time, not having faith in me. What about with the starfish? Will I have to move the starfish? Its not big like 4in.


Active Member
I'm not even going to read this nonsense.
First off, this kid has lied pretty much the entire time he's been in this hobby. I've seen numerous posts, on other boards, where he's gone on and on and on about having a sump system and 100lb+ of live rock...
Then, other forums, where he's going on and on and on about how he's getting a sump. Then, he shows pics of his tank and he had 25lb (TOPS) of live rock and a freshwater ship wreck decoration in his tank.
The tank has never been set up properly, from the start. He's lost numerous fish...he admits it on some boards and not on others.
He repeatedly asks advice and when he doesnt hear what he wants, he turns it into a "why do you Grim guys always pick on me??...*whine, whine, whine* *cry, cry, cry*
He says very negative things, on this board, about Grim but then he comes over to Grim with a "can I have another chance" post. Then, he talks very negative things about this board at --. It's old, he's seriously on my nerves and he's worn out any welcome he has, from me, on ANY board.
He's a punk kid, who repeatedly states false information about anything and everything relating to the hobby, etc. That, and the constant flaming people when they give him advice and it's not what he wants to hear.
I'd bet everything I own that he doesnt have a public aquarium set up to take this shark. Not only are 99.9999% of all public aquariums NOT taking donations, but what aquarium is gonna say "Ok...we've never seen this shark, we have no idea what conditions it's going to be kept in, or with what tankmates...but, sure...we'll take it when it outgrows your tank in a year."


Originally Posted by Cartman101
Ok thats it screw you guys I'm going home.

LMAO That's sooooo South Park~!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
I'm not even going to read this nonsense.
First off, this kid has lied pretty much the entire time he's been in this hobby. I've seen numerous posts, on other boards, where he's gone on and on and on about having a sump system and 100lb+ of live rock...
Then, other forums, where he's going on and on and on about how he's getting a sump. Then, he shows pics of his tank and he had 25lb (TOPS) of live rock and a freshwater ship wreck decoration in his tank.
The tank has never been set up properly, from the start. He's lost numerous fish...he admits it on some boards and not on others.
He repeatedly asks advice and when he doesnt hear what he wants, he turns it into a "why do you Grim guys always pick on me??...*whine, whine, whine* *cry, cry, cry*
He says very negative things, on this board, about Grim but then he comes over to Grim with a "can I have another chance" post. Then, he talks very negative things about this board at --. It's old, he's seriously on my nerves and he's worn out any welcome he has, from me, on ANY board.
He's a punk kid, who repeatedly states false information about anything and everything relating to the hobby, etc. That, and the constant flaming people when they give him advice and it's not what he wants to hear.
I'd bet everything I own that he doesnt have a public aquarium set up to take this shark. Not only are 99.9999% of all public aquariums NOT taking donations, but what aquarium is gonna say "Ok...we've never seen this shark, we have no idea what conditions it's going to be kept in, or with what tankmates...but, sure...we'll take it when it outgrows your tank in a year."
God do I hate you more then hitler. Do you want to see my pics of my sump? Or are you just jealous my tank is better then yours? We dont need you hear go back to GR (does that sound familar??). Why wont you just go bug of and LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONCE. :mad: You have ruined my dignity at every forum you dirty

. And BTW, how come you never give out advice to just b&*! at me.


Active Member
well said offense cartman but its getting old with you and im just lookign out for the shark in which you will be killing soon
oh ya and i got a post in befroe this thread got closed!!


Active Member
Thats ok cause I'm out of here no more pics for any of you guys. It was fun untill this a$$wipe came which ruined it for me.


LMAO. Cartman. Your gonna have to change your name on here and rejoin the forums with 0 posts!. LMFAO!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
God do I hate you more then hitler. Do you want to see my pics of my sump? Or are you just jealous my tank is better then yours? We dont need you hear go back to GR (does that sound familar??). Why wont you just go bug of and LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONCE. :mad: You have ruined my dignity at every forum you dirty

. And BTW, how come you never give out advice to just b&*! at me.

Maybe he doesnt give you advice because he knows that you are just going to get mad and talk like you did above.
Now, I havent been around ths board for too long but I have to say that the responses that I've seen from AW2 have been very intelligent, well though out and most of all, ACCURATE. Just because he doesnt tell you what you want to hear is no reason to bash him.


Active Member
ok well ive read this entire thing lol .

now i feel better.......... on with the show
im sorry cartman im going to make you mad at me also because im going to say what you dont want to hear either ,but no one else has said it placed a shark egg into a comunity tank, not a good idea housed with .these to start off with reason being if you have a trigger fish chances are hes going to be nipping at that egg then if your lucky enough to hatch this egg he will be nipping at that baby shark.have you ever seen what a trigger does to a fish that lounges around in the substrate? i have its not a pretty sight. my niger even one of the so called least agressive of small trigger litterally ate half of my engeneer goby and yes it lived for quite a while without the lost 6 inches it was 12 before i added that trigger.your shark isnt going to be as tolerent to this kind of welcome the world may have done alot of homework to figure this out but you also neglected to open enough books to realize you dont hatch a shark egg or keep a baby shark with known to be agressive fish.that shark if it hatches may be imune to a lot of things that most fish arent but its not imune to teeth or stress..oh yeh btw not a good idea to start it off in a tank full of lr either my first baby banded cat died because he got stuck in a a crevice of a large peice of rock and could not get back out..and yes i do own a shark.if you have no other tank to keep this egg in i suggest getting a devider screen and give it a safe spot of its own away from predatorial picking.


Originally Posted by Titan
Not to mention your triggerfish might not be so submissive to a big lump that putters around your SB.
Unleashed I had already metioned it but thx for elaborating moreso!