Car Insurance with Gender equality

37g joe

I know that this might not sound like the most interesting topic but it is something i feel is unfair and should be not allowed.
Fact. Young males pay higher insurance rates because of their gender and their age.
The civil rights act clearly states that fineing or putting prohibtiouns on a person because of a certain demographic because of age and gender is discrimination. now if the prohibtions where put toward women or race that would be considered discrimination and the aclu would be all over this.
These rules are made by individuals that are outside of these demograpics which is clearly bias.
My own experience. both my sister and I owned the same car when we where 18 my sister owned it two years prior when she was 18 she had been in a couple of accidents and she was paying around $80 amonth in inssurance i at age 18 was paying about $107 for my insurace and not ever been in an accident or yet to have a ticket at that time why would a safe driver be paying more then a unsafe drifer that is compleetly gender bias women have for years fought for fair wages and i understand there plight but they seem not to mind the unfair bias put toward young men thats only wrong was to be born male they can be perfect drivers but since the inssurance agencies claim that the young male is a far more unsafe driver then others they have to pay even if they are safe. they are paying because of others wrongdoing.
What would you do if tomorow the goverment raised taxes just on certain demographics thier reasoning is because thos demograpics had a higher rate of being in jail and being on welfair. I know I would be outraged this is no different from what I am talking about why are people okay with one but would not be with the other. Statstics could show this but it would not make it right.
I have yet to read a report on the actual statistics now yes i would not be suprised if tickets and accidents are higher among young males but i doubt there so much higher that the should pay outragous prices make those who are unsafe pay higer.
Ive been pulled over several times for nothing except for being a young male in a car so the officer had nothing better to do the pull me over at age 19 i recieved my first ticket i pulled out of a gs station which was on a corner i was at that stop light and a cop pulled behind me as the light went green he turned his lights on i had only driven out of the gas station to the light about 50 feet the cop inssisted he saw me down the street driving about 20 over the speed limit i showed him my gas receipt and he said that was no proof that i had just came out of there i told him he was mistaken but i still got a ticket i had to pay about 80 and what did i do nothing the cop was either a moron or a liar i go for the latter.
I also have a coworker He is 22 his wife is 27 he has a clean driving record she has been in accidents and has tickets still on her record he still has to pay more insurance then her
these unfair actions occure throughout the U.s on a regular basis rasing the precenatege of the tickets young males recieve. Girls on the other hand if pulled over are shown in studdies that they are much more likly to get just a warning.
please post your oppinions on this and if u have any statistics i would love to use them


Perfect Post i love it i will be writeing up my statement tonight when i have a little more time....Thank you joe.

37g joe

Just something I feel need to be addressed. why does the aclu tell a vetrens cemetary they cant have a cross on thier grounds but they dont jump on this.


Active Member
ok hows this for you i pay less then my wife and since my wife one of our cars in in NY we save over 1500 every 6 months having the plates in NY. Tell me that isnt a bunch of crap. NC has a driving thing for inexperanced drivers under 3 years with a new lisc. Kinda weird.


Active Member
it also has to do with cars. That is a main issue with people paying more. The year of the car also matters.

37g joe

I understand the year thing but if two people are the same age own the same car have the same plan and driving record the male well always pay more


Active Member
yes that is true. When my wife 1st got her lisc in NC they we quoting us 2100 for 6 months. and with NY it went down to less then 600. talk abot a savings. and its the same insurance company. Just diffrent states.

37g joe

think how much money you could put into your tank with that.
Also wonder what the statistcs would be on Saltwater hobiests we are a wild bunch they might want to put us in our place


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
I know that this might not sound like the most interesting topic but it is something i feel is unfair and should be not allowed.
Fact. Young males pay higher insurance rates because of their gender and their age.............

--VERY TRUE: Personal Experience.
I am 17 and i got my license one month and one day after my 16th Bday. I will turn 18 in March. I origonally paid over $180 per month for car insurance with Farm Beuro for a '94 Toyota Camry Green. 145,000 miles. I recieved a ticket about one year ago on the road i drive down everyday to get home( Where!, by the way, i have never seen a cop other than that very day) for speeding which i definatly deserved.
Point Being: My insurance rate has been raised an ungodly $800 per term(6months) THATS $1,600!!! PER YEAR!!! ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!
(and still have $$ for his beloved saltwater aquarium.)
My girlfriend is 17 and just got her license about 6 months ago. She now drives the very same car which i sold to her (now with 158,000miles) and im not sure who her insurance is with but she pays only $68 per month. AAHHHHH!!! THATS OUTRAGOUS!!! THAT IS SOO UNFAIR!!! and dont tell my gf but.. she isnt the best driver. Bless her heart shes the sweetes girl ive ever met but driving isnt her specialty..

Needless to say i have been voted the safest drive amongts all my friends AND the people they know(excluding my dad which is the safest dirver I know)..think of how many people that is... :thinking:
Where are the weman's rights extremist now!?
Hope this epidemic gets the attention it deservse.
Good luck,

*Note: The word "weman's" is not a typo. It is simpy a precaution to avoid a lawsuit from.. the "weman's rights extremist."

37g joe

This is what Im talking about $180 a month. How can a high school student pay that still goto school and a job and save up for college or whatever and the car payment I would not be suprised if his carpayment was lower than his insurance I know mine was for a while. It is an unfair advantage for women. I know thier well be people saying you dont need a car then but come on it should at least be equal.


Active Member
The theory behind this is that females between the ages of 14 and 25 are more mature and responsable than males, males are in theory going to be behind the wheel more often i.e. picking up their dates and driving the farm vehichles etc. etc. etc...
When a male turns 25 the insurance "Playing Feild" is leveled... and as stated befor it depends on the year, make, model, 2WD or 4WD and how many infractions, tickets, or wrecks you have been in, how many cars are on the policy, if you are a home owner, married, and sometime employment status...
in 1995 I purchased a convertable Mustang, my insurance was $216.00 a month...almost as much as my car payment...when I turned 25 my premiums went down to $125.00, when my EX and I got married (common law) and we added another vehichle our premium (for both Mustang and a Durango (which is now hers :mad:
:mad: ) our premiums went to $149.00 a month...
an insurance company is going to insure 1991 ford fiesta for ALOT less than a 2006 toyota tacoma 4X4...
you are right about it not being fair, but such as life...they have done several studies on the things I have stated above and I doubt they will change their theories behind the premiums we all pay...


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
This is what Im talking about $180 a month. How can a high school student pay that still goto school and a job and save up for college or whatever and the car payment I would not be suprised if his carpayment was lower than his insurance I know mine was for a while. It is an unfair advantage for women. I know thier well be people saying you dont need a car then but come on it should at least be equal.
$180 was before the ticket.....i uhh..(clears throat)..i havent recieved my new rate bill yet...

As for the car payment.. well.. it was payed for. My parents kinda traded it for lots and lots and lots of yard mowings and car washes.. etc.. My mom had driven that car since '95. Great car
but still. it blue books at around $3600 in its current condition


Active Member
Males tend to have this stuff called testosterone. It makes them more aggressive. It's the way we're made and if you think it's worth a few bucks less for insurance you can have that appendage removed.

michelle l

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I hate the insurance business....they will gouge you for all they can get and don't want to pay up when the time comes.
And don't tell anyone I said this, but it seems more common recently that young women drivers scare the H-E-L-L out of me!! Maybe it's because I moved to a college town, I dunno....but they drive like idiots here. I think the original basis for giving girls lower rates is very outdated and stems back to when girls really WERE more responsible than boys. I don't think that's the case anymore.
I think that the statistics say that young male drivers tend to have more severe, high speed crashes than girls though, but I can't tell you where you could find those stats.


Originally Posted by socal57che
Males tend to have this stuff called testosterone. It makes them more aggressive. It's the way we're made and if you think it's worth a few bucks less for insurance you can have that appendage removed.

and women has this stuff called estrogen along with their "cycle" that make them unpleasent MOST OF THE TIME!!
no hard feelings


Originally Posted by Michelle L
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I hate the insurance business....they will gouge you for all they can get and don't want to pay up when the time comes.
And don't tell anyone I said this, but it seems more common recently that young women drivers scare the H-E-L-L out of me!! Maybe it's because I moved to a college town, I dunno....but they drive like idiots here. I think the original basis for giving girls lower rates is very outdated and stems back to when girls really WERE more responsible than boys. I don't think that's the case anymore.
I think that the statistics say that young male drivers tend to have more severe, high speed crashes than girls though, but I can't tell you where you could find those stats.
also very true.. girls around here are CRAZY!! and always on the phone.. seriously. HANG UP AND DRIVE!

37g joe

Originally Posted by Michelle L
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I hate the insurance business....they will gouge you for all they can get and don't want to pay up when the time comes.
And don't tell anyone I said this, but it seems more common recently that young women drivers scare the H-E-L-L out of me!! Maybe it's because I moved to a college town, I dunno....but they drive like idiots here. I think the original basis for giving girls lower rates is very outdated and stems back to when girls really WERE more responsible than boys. I don't think that's the case anymore.
I think that the statistics say that young male drivers tend to have more severe, high speed crashes than girls though, but I can't tell you where you could find those stats.
Thank you for comenting
Also it just seems like thier are alot of bad drivers out thier I had and old women who started coming into my lane on a free way I had to drive in the shuolder for a few moments to make sure she did not hit me I finaly caught up with her and she was compleetly unaware of what had just happened why dont we make the elderly pay high rates? I also belive a cop who arives on a seen is more likly to be on the side of the older adult then a younger indvidual if thier is an accident.