Car Insurance with Gender equality


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
Our Nation was founded by unfair price gouging (tea wa a privlidge and all the other comonties that had high taxes). Our founding fathers fought for the right not to be subjected to unfair pricing that is how this nation was founded. the english had the same argument tea is a luxary people did not need tea to survive. casrs are more of a nessecety then tea....
Are you comparing insurance to taxation?

37g joe

thanes for the link but still that showes that 86 percent of fatal accidents where non young drivers and 82 percent of crasshs where non young drivers so your facts show that the people who are more likly to get into a crash are the older people thankes for the stastitics yes they younder people have a higher occurance for the ammount of them driving but the total number showes that the majority of crashes are from the other demographic but they force the younger yto pay the cost and you facts also show that females accidents rose by 25% but males rose by only 9% which you have to factor in population growth so these facts should show that women should pay more that men thankesw buddy

37g joe

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
A quick google search found this...
As you can see, males 15-20 are involved in many more accidents; Therefore, they cost the insurance company much more money. As a result, they should pay more...
and on here thier is no where that showes male 15- 20 have a higher occurance then females it did state though that the percentage of girls in these accidents has risen more than the male percentage but never gave total number for each. (your facts are quite the contary to your statements.)

37g joe

Also these stastics would be more to the fact the 16- 20 year old drivers have been not driving as long I bet you if you put the stastice of a 18 year old who had been driving two years compared too a 30 year old that had been driving two years the stastitics would be the same.

37g joe

Now if your rates where figgured out by how long you had been driving that would be understandable but thats not how its done


Active Member

Originally Posted by 37g Joe
Now if your rates where figgured out by how long you had been driving that would be understandable but thats not how its done
Umm... yes it is... MANY companies ask "How many years has the driver been licensed".
To your other quotes... REREAD the stats... Girls, by percentage, in the age group have more accidents, but MALES are far more likely to drive. That means they cost the company more.. Also, do a little research on your own... taken from the same webpage..:
*Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for American teenagers.
*In 1997, 5,477 young people (passengers and drivers age 15-20) died in motor vehicle crashes. Twenty-one percent of the young drivers involved in fatal crashes had been drinking.
*Young people age 15-20 make up 6.7 percent of the total driving population in this country but are involved in 14 percent of all fatal crashes.

*In 1997, almost one quarter (22 percent) of those who died in speed-related crashes were youth (15-20).
*In the last decade, over 68,000 teens have died in car crashes.
*Sixty-five percent of teen passenger deaths occur when another teenager is driving.
*Nearly half of the fatal crashes involving 16-year-old drivers were single vehicle crashes.
*Forty-one percent of fatal crashes involving teenagers occur at nighttime (between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.).
*One quarter of fatally injured teen drivers (16-20 years old) in 1995 had a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) at or above .10 percent, even though all were under the minimum legal drinking age and are not legally permitted to purchase alcohol.
*Two out of three teenagers killed in motor vehicle crashes are males
You asked for proof that Insurance companies did rate revisions so I gave you the link. You argued that you had never seen statistics showing Male Teenage drivers are dangerous; there you go.
Anything else?
The simple fact is a teenage, male driver is a higher liability risk to a company.

37g joe

thank you for the info as I posted in the begining of this post I wrote that I wasnt saying that thiere isnt a higher occurance by the percentage of drivers. I clearly feel that it is unfair to penalise those who are not the problem. make the bad drivers pay not the good drivers. 14 % that is still a very small number and the fact that it is the number one death is do to the fact that younger indviduals arnt having heart related deaths and other deaths that occure when you get older. the main causes of death are pretty much 0 in the younger population. they might be in 14 % of the accidents but I am almost certain that they pay far more than 14% of the total cost of insurance copanies IMO.

37g joe

Journey man dont get me wrong you have alot of good points but when you apply the same principles to any other group or any other business you start to reallize that how this type of priceing is wrong. Also this type of action is sapose to be protected by civil rights act.


I think the most important part of all this is that if it were any other kind of discrimination there would be a huge lawsuit. Nobody cares to stand up for something as large as the male population. If you did you would just be labeled a sexist pig. Once you narrow it down however there is a group to fight for almost anything.

michelle l

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Not sure, but I suspect your state ONLY requires LIABILTY insurance, and only IF you have a car...
Owning a car is a priviledge; Therefore, insurance on the car is also a priviledge.
Again... your state offers insurance; if you don't like what you are paying now through private companies..
If you were to successfully lobby for rates on 16-21 to be the same as older drivers your rates would not go down. The insurance companies would either 1. Quit covering everyone in your state, or 2. Raise everyone's rates to what you are now paying.
Yes, you are correct. Illinois only requires liability.
The original post wasn't regarding young drivers in general, which you keep referring to. His original issue is with the higher rates that young males pay vs. what young females pay.
I'm not really arguing the statistics about male vs. female...I just agree that it's unfair that someone should be judged and monetarily punished based on what someone else has done.


Active Member
Personaly I think weman should pay more. I never see men on the highway doing 90 trying to fix there hair drink coffee and talk on the phone in rush hour traffic.


ahh i see ur using the lawsuit safe word "weman".. smart man. and i agree with you. the moms that drive those oversized suv's that are too big for them to handle are the worst..

37g joe

Here Is another point what if the telephone companies made women pay more than men because they tend to talk on the phone more or all you can eat places loocked at how large you where and had different rates or someone in a wheel chair pay more money on public trasportaion because they take up more space. they all have good arguments but it would be discrimination


Active Member
Originally Posted by mitzel
Personaly I think weman should pay more. I never see men on the highway doing 90 trying to fix there hair drink coffee and talk on the phone in rush hour traffic.
visit hollywood

michelle l

Originally Posted by mitzel
Personaly I think weman should pay more. I never see men on the highway doing 90 trying to fix there hair drink coffee and talk on the phone in rush hour traffic.
Plus trying to turn around in the back seat to fuss with the kids. So he dropped his Binky, big f'in deal, get your eyes back on the road!!! :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jds31788
ha! its not like they are hurting for profit.
Depends on the state... ever seen how many people get new roofs put on their houses everytime a hailstone falls from the sky?
All of those cars in New Orleans aren't paying for themselves to get fixed/replaced, etc.
And finally, businesses are SUPPOSED to make money.
Anyway, this thread started off as the original poster being upset about young teen males paying more for auto insurance. I hope I've sufficiently explained why that is, and what to do about it if you don't like it.


Staff member
If young men would stop driving crazy, causing a disproportionate amt of the accidents [ie: claims], then this would not be a problem.
No one can argue with this...though as individuals, some young men may be the model driver; generally, young men are reckless.

37g joe

Originally Posted by Beth
If young men would stop driving crazy, causing a disproportionate amt of the accidents [ie: claims], then this would not be a problem.
No one can argue with this...though as individuals, some young men may be the model driver; generally, young men are reckless.
Im not responsilbe for others actions nor should I be targeted to pay for thier mistakes or thier extra costs. Young Women cost medical insurance companies more due to the fact they have babies so in your reasoning we should charge that demographic more in medical insurance but we dont !!!!!!