Originally Posted by Littlebuck
When a male turns 25 the insurance "Playing Feild" is leveled... and as stated befor it depends on the year, make, model, 2WD or 4WD and how many infractions, tickets, or wrecks you have been in, how many cars are on the policy, if you are a home owner, married, and sometime employment status...
Just to let you know that the 25 year old rule for males dosent work in every state. Some state it dosent matter your age its all about how many years you have had your lisc for. You can be 35 and just get a lisc and pay more then a 26yr that has had his lis for 10 years. And being married also messes with the age factor. because if u are married that is ur discount. LOL Just another way for them to make millions of millions of dollars.
the three major car insurances (geiko, state farm, allstate) do offer a rate redustion after the age of 25... the other things listed are always factored... I guess I should have clarified or said "in most cases (depending on the state you live in and the insurance provider) the "Playing Feild" is leveled, for these are the only Ins companies I have dealt with...just speakin from my personal exp with Insurance Companies... I believe for the most part its a racket anyway and it is a way to make their millions and milions...