Car Insurance with Gender equality


Active Member
Originally Posted by jds31788
also very true.. girls around are CRAZY!! and always on the phone.. seriously. HANG UP AND DRIVE!
Amen!!! they are looking into a law in my state that prohibits the usage of cell phones in vehichles... or atleast enforcing the usage of hands free devices...


Have you seen the news lately? some elderly lady drove her car right into a supermarket hitting another woman and her two kids and raming them into the storefront.. not sure on the details. I just caught the headline.

37g joe

Originally Posted by socal57che
Males tend to have this stuff called testosterone. It makes them more aggressive. It's the way we're made and if you think it's worth a few bucks less for insurance you can have that appendage removed.

You need to meet my sisters when my oldest sister was in high school she was walkin onto the bus and a guy walking behind her slapped her butt she too his head and smashed it in that large rear view mirror the bus driver looks in he had to get about nine stiches.
I bet we can find an excuse to charge many people different rate by thier chemistry but it does not make it right . Thier is something called self control I can control my actions even though testosterone is running through my vaines.


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
I bet we can find an excuse to charge many people different rate by thier chemistry but it does not make it right . Thier is something called self control I can control my actions even though testosterone is running through my vaines.
AMEN!!! good for her(ur older sister).. that kind of thing should not be tolerated

37g joe

Originally Posted by jds31788
AMEN!!! good for her(ur older sister).. that kind of thing should not be tolerated
yea shes is a 5'2 and still scares the hell out of me when she is pissed


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
You need to meet my sisters when my oldest sister was in high school she was walkin onto the bus and a guy walking behind her slapped her butt she too his head and smashed it in that large rear view mirror the bus driver looks in he had to get about nine stiches.
I bet we can find an excuse to charge many people different rate by thier chemistry but it does not make it right . Thier is something called self control I can control my actions even though testosterone is running through my vaines.
Not Me!!!!
My very first traffic violation was a doozie.
1st........drag racing
2nd.......driving on the wrong side of the road
4th.......careless and imprudent
all on the same peice of paper
Lawyer time!!
I was later stopped for 65 in a 25 zone and anybody who knew me knew that I spent a lot of time racing and I did not own a car that wasn't capable of 140mph until I was 21. (it was a mazda 626) if I remember correctly.
My first accident involved racing and a beer truck...........messy.
IMO girls deserve to pay a little less for insurance than I did.
ps....if you read this and I ever ran you off the road, I'm sorry


Active Member
When a male turns 25 the insurance "Playing Feild" is leveled... and as stated befor it depends on the year, make, model, 2WD or 4WD and how many infractions, tickets, or wrecks you have been in, how many cars are on the policy, if you are a home owner, married, and sometime employment status...
Just to let you know that the 25 year old rule for males dosent work in every state. Some state it dosent matter your age its all about how many years you have had your lisc for. You can be 35 and just get a lisc and pay more then a 26yr that has had his lis for 10 years. And being married also messes with the age factor. because if u are married that is ur discount. LOL Just another way for them to make millions of millions of dollars.


We could have done without that social57che.... i mean you learned your lession eventually.. RIGHT.. i know some of us have that Need for Speed. but thats why the make the drag strip... and im sure there are ladies out there who have had their fair share of violations...
Ive had mine and i hope i never get another ticket.
well its after midnight where i live..
Good luck fighting this loosing battle against the corporation and insurance ruled world we live in.

37g joe

Originally Posted by socal57che
Not Me!!!!
My very first traffic violation was a doozie.
1st........drag racing
2nd.......driving on the wrong side of the road
4th.......careless and imprudent
all on the same peice of paper
Lawyer time!!
I was later stopped for 65 in a 25 zone and anybody who knew me knew that I spent a lot of time racing and I did not own a car that wasn't capable of 140mph until I was 21. (it was a mazda 626) if I remember correctly.
My first accident involved racing and a beer truck...........messy.
IMO girls deserve to pay a little less for insurance than I did.
ps....if you read this and I ever ran you off the road, I'm sorry
Yea you should pay more in insurance but because of the few who continually are repeat offenders they make the rest of the male gender pay more and that is not right. If your a respionsible driver you should not pay prices of a neglegent driver!!!

37g joe

Originally Posted by jds31788
We could have done without that.... i mean you learned your lession eventually.. RIGHT.. i know some of us have that Need for Speed. but thats why the make the drag strip... and im sure there are ladies out there who have had their fair share of violations...
Ive had mine and i hope i never get another ticket.
well its after midnight where i live..
Good luck fighting this loosing battle against the corporation and insurance ruled world we live in.

I learned this early just because it looks like its a battle you cant win does not make it so. The Insurance companies would like us just to be complient and not think we can do anything but I cant accept that. I feel the comon man can truly make a difference if he is willing to put the strength, passion, and effort, and see it to the end. In the words of a great Jedi master
(do or do not, thier is no cant) that might sound cheesy but people hold back thier full potential far to often. This is not out of the realm of what a person can acomplish.


Nicely stated.. Im with you all the way.. If u decide to take this debate to their doorstep ill put forth what i can.

37g joe

Truly the start of this fight is to get people talking about it people need to have some emotion about a topic in order for things to start moving. If I tried tomorow to goto thier doorstep i would have door slamed in my face but if I had the emotion of mases behind this then they would be willing to talk. and with an open dialogue it could move forward.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
Yea you should pay more in insurance but because of the few who continually are repeat offenders they make the rest of the male gender pay more and that is not right. If your a respionsible driver you should not pay prices of a neglegent driver!!!
While you're at it ask every retailer in the world not to raise prices to compensate for shoplifters and pilfering

37g joe

Originally Posted by socal57che
While you're at it ask every retailer in the world not to raise prices to compensate for shoplifters and pilfering
hey one battle at a time

37g joe

Originally Posted by socal57che
While you're at it ask every retailer in the world not to raise prices to compensate for shoplifters and pilfering
That is not targeted at a specific group unless you consider customers a group now if they made a specific group pay more for thiere product because that group was more likly to shoplift that would be wrong. I understand you where joking but still your Jokes can have comon sence in them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Littlebuck
When a male turns 25 the insurance "Playing Feild" is leveled... and as stated befor it depends on the year, make, model, 2WD or 4WD and how many infractions, tickets, or wrecks you have been in, how many cars are on the policy, if you are a home owner, married, and sometime employment status...
Just to let you know that the 25 year old rule for males dosent work in every state. Some state it dosent matter your age its all about how many years you have had your lisc for. You can be 35 and just get a lisc and pay more then a 26yr that has had his lis for 10 years. And being married also messes with the age factor. because if u are married that is ur discount. LOL Just another way for them to make millions of millions of dollars.
the three major car insurances (geiko, state farm, allstate) do offer a rate redustion after the age of 25... the other things listed are always factored... I guess I should have clarified or said "in most cases (depending on the state you live in and the insurance provider) the "Playing Feild" is leveled, for these are the only Ins companies I have dealt with...just speakin from my personal exp with Insurance Companies... I believe for the most part its a racket anyway and it is a way to make their millions and milions...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 37g Joe
That is not targeted at a specific group unless you consider customers a group now if they made a specific group pay more for thiere product because that group was more likly to shoplift that would be wrong. I understand you where joking but still your Jokes can have comon sence in them.
The group being discriminated against would be the people that do not steal...paying for the actions of those who do.
The honest group was picked out as the people standing in line.

37g joe

Originally Posted by ruaround
the three major car insurances (geiko, state farm, allstate) do offer a rate redustion after the age of 25... the other things listed are always factored... I guess I should have clarified or said "in most cases (depending on the state you live in and the insurance provider) the "Playing Feild" is leveled, for these are the only Ins companies I have dealt with...just speakin from my personal exp with Insurance Companies... I believe for the most part its a racket anyway and it is a way to make their millions and milions...
Millions and millions huh :thinking: wow how many fish could that buy if you cant beat them join them. Im just joking. My car insurance is actually quite cheap Now but I still feel for the people who are still paying outrages prices.


Active Member
Geico is not one of the "Big 3". I believe they are Farmers, Allstate and State Farm.
Statistics all say that males age 16-21 are the most dangerous drivers. Honestly, everyone who has been through HS knows why... If high insurance makes a 17 year old male think twice before buying that Mustang GT then great... Insurance companies have plenty of bean counters who crunch numbers constantly to make sure they are making the most money while staying competitive.
Insurance Companies are businesses. They are in business to make money.
Insurance; whether auto, home, flood, health etc., is not the "right" of Americans. It is a privilige. If all you need is "liability" insurance then you will find the rates are not that excessive unless your driving record is obnoxious.

michelle l

But the OP has a point....if women drivers were forced to pay more because....well, because we are women drivers (
) then there would be hell to pay.
Personally, I am a great driver and haven't had a ticket in over 10 years, and I've only had two in my twenty years of driving. One was for going 95 in a 55 (
Oh, hi, officer ) when I was 19 and the other was for disregarding a traffic control device when I was 25 (that was just my neglegence). But I did my share of drag racing and never got caught when I was around 20.
There are lots of terrible women drivers out there, I'll admit it!! Once you get over a certain age, I don't think it's gender that determines if you're a good or bad driver, it's just how that person pays attention to traffic, etc., and if they respect the other drivers around them.