Carinvore Snail?!?!?!?! *****VIDEO****


New Member
I thought most snails eat algae or waste. I have seen a couple of my snails eat dead snails, BUT never have I seen one of my snails eat a living animal......until this week.
I know of conical snails that can hurt or kill animals or humans, but I thought they were pretty rare. So what's the deal with this snail?
Watch the video


Active Member
Definitely bad juju....never seen a nassarius do that...I have a few in my tank and they don't mess with any of my mushrooms....I think I'll wait and see what some of the other members have to say about this...thanks for the footage btw....interesting to watch....Sorry your mushroom had to be the one to get eaten though....the rest look wonderful.


Could that one piece of shroom been unhealthy and on its way out anyway? Or maybe something on it that made it tasty and the snail killed it getting to whatever was on it?
Is this the only mushroom it killed or were there others and you just caught it in action this time?


New Member
Shyfish you bring up an some excellent questions. You don't see it in the video but that same day, the mushroom he attacked was full and open like all the others. I have not had any of the mushrooms in my tank die, in fact the keep growing and multiplying. I have one 4 inches wide.
Also I have mysteriously had another healthy snail die since his introduction into the the tank. The killer snail was only in for about 4 days i think, maybe 5.

bang guy

That's not a Nassarius vibex in the video. Looks more like a Beringius sp. or a Neptuna sp. Like most Whelks, Beringius sp. are omnivores.