carpet anemone


Active Member
kpk -I'm in grad school at OU and I work at OU also.
Good lfs in Norman is Crystal Clear, in Edmond Aquariums. The Reef Shop in OKC if good for corals but, I've never bought a fish there that didn't have ich.
Twice a day feeding is too much and you may be feeding too much each time also. What fish do you have? How old is your tank?
The anenomes in the pic may very well be majano's. Stay away from them, not good.


Active Member
Cool what are you going to do when you get out of school.
My cousin might be going next year to graduate school to be a biology teacher or something like that.
well wrasse right now i only have a maroon clown and 2 green chomis in my main tank and i have a sohal in QT with a blenny, I originally had a 55 gallon tank and i upgraded to a 110g and add more live rock it has all been added and done for about 2-3 months, the cycle from adding the new lr was only about a week long. What happened to get the hair algae started a guy in elk city gave me about a 100lbs of lr that was covered in hair algae, but i wasn't about to pass that kinda deal up, so thats what got it in my tank. It's actually not as bad as i said but it's just irritating. i am going to quite feeding so much thats probably my main problem.


I have had a carpet anemone for 6 years. In the first year it ate 2 tangs and a cleaner shrimp. Since that time it has been on good behavior and hasn't killed anything in the last 5 years. I have 2 clowns hosting in the anemone and they keep all the other fish away. I have a hippo tang, yellow tang, sailfin tang, flame angel, coral beauty angel and a lawnmower blenny in addition to the clowns. All are doing well and I've had all of them together for at least two years.