cat used southdown as a litter box


Active Member
good for your cat. he stopped you from making a big mistake. take all the southdown out and buy some live sand with critters from this site, southdown is a horrible product.


waaayyyy too funny!
sorry for your loss of sand, but your cat probably thought he was in heaven with the new huge litterbox. I have 2 cats and 3 tanks, and I could just see one of mine doing this as well. :D


:eek: ROFL toooo funny! Leave the sand as is, tie cat to your largest piece of live rock, fill tank with fresh saltwater, presto cycle begins and cat problem goes away :) hmmmm only drawback is you'll probably need a HUGE clean-up crew, let me rethink solution LOL


everyone is blaming the cat. the cat sees one big box with sand in it and thinks "the holy grail of litter boxes, my owner is great", after all you were the one who taught him to potty in the box with sand in it. he is just following directions. lol:D


Active Member
speaking of old movies, im 18 and when i watched the movie with steve martin, 'the jerk', and others like'airplane' and 'spaceballs'.
Man i would have been funny..... if i was in the 70/80's... its not a bad thing, movies like dumb and dumber(which is going to have a sequal! YES! i think in the summer/spring) and bad movies like commando with arnold swartzanagerdjffoajlaldkfj (because of horrible editing and just insane combat skills, enough to defeat an island of bad guys with out getting shot ONCE!!! must i remind you where he goes to the garden shed and goes on a murderous rampage with garden tools!!!!),
i guess my standards were too high for 'the jerk' and other movies but there great movies
oh by the way anyone see "the flash" im a big comic book guy and that movie was just weird... yeah ... we know you its just a guy running in a blue screan that has been fast forwarded... sometimes people just dont try... biker gang? man out of all the DC villans... bicker gangs.. i guess they were trying to be realistic
sorry this is really off topic, i just like talking about bad movies and watching bad movies with my friends pointing out horrible things... so bad its good....
anyone seen that movie 'equalibrium'?:D, YOU!!!! SENSE OFFENDERS!!!!!


Well i filled the tank up with water last night. I after about an hour of sand sifting i think I got it all out. I'll keep yall posted on the cycle!!!! :eek: ;)



Originally posted by jamesurq
just fill up the tank and leave the poop in there.... Kida reminds me of caddyshack.....

Is that a sea cucumber in the tank?


Active Member
how, did I know that was coming, opening the thread, I knew that somebody woudl say use it to cycle with. I was jsut wondering how many posts, it would take. reaslistically, it should be ok, BUt I am affraid that I would not want to be the one to find out.