

Hey all!
Thanks so much for all the really awsome advice anytime im in trouble,i have yet another stupid question. ^_^* heh
As it is apparent by my noob-ness, im still starting my first tank, but i also have 2 long haired cats that have been with me for quite awhile,and along with them comes TONS and TONS of hair. While filling my tank with water,slowly i started to see cat hairs,in the dang water!! Ugh...much to my dismay i dont know how to get rid of it (the filter has taken some of it out..but theres still strays) ,and since my tank is still cycling i dont want to do a drastic water change quite yet...should i just wait it out? Any advice is appreciated...i know its kind of a weird question so i dont know if anyone else will feel my pain lol
EDIT: I had a glass lid, but im a total dummy and broke it..:( so im in the process of getting a new one, i know thatll help with the problem in the future greatly. ^_^*
-<3 Devon


That's why I have hairless cats. No worry's!
Did you try skimming through the water with a net and see if that can relieve some of the problem...............just a thought.


Originally Posted by DMA57
That's why I have hairless cats. No worry's!
Did you try skimming through the water with a net and see if that can relieve some of the problem...............just a thought.
No i have not used a net yet,but i have one so ill try it when i get home
ha,i didnt even think of that!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DMA57
That's why I have hairless cats. No worry's!
Did you try skimming through the water with a net and see if that can relieve some of the problem...............just a thought.

Do you really have a sphynx?


Active Member
Originally Posted by D-Monic
No i have not used a net yet,but i have one so ill try it when i get home
ha,i didnt even think of that!

I have six cats
Two of them are long haired, I find hair in the tank from time to time but it's never been a problem.


Originally Posted by alyssia
I have six cats
Two of them are long haired, I find hair in the tank from time to time but it's never been a problem.
wow! Thats alot o.o Ive got the 2 long hairs,a rabbit and 2 gerbils,and now the tank!Glad to hear im not alone in the "hair in the tank" thing...sorry for being such a dummy! lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by D-Monic
wow! Thats alot o.o Ive got the 2 long hairs,a rabbit and 2 gerbils,and now the tank!Glad to hear im not alone in the "hair in the tank" thing...sorry for being such a dummy! lol

lol you're not a dummy!


You ought to try living with a labrador retriever, you have hair everywhere!
As my wife and I like to say, we even have dog hair in our icecubes!


Active Member
Originally Posted by f14peter
You ought to try living with a labrador retriever, you have hair everywhere!
As my wife and I like to say, we even have dog hair in our icecubes!



Active Member
if you don't have to, i would suggest not replacing the glass lid. it holds heat in, and doesn't allow for good oxygen/co2 displacement. to prevent your cats from becoming catfish (haha) you can use eggcrate from Homedepot's lighting section as a lid.
as for hair... look up keeshonds...


Active Member
I second the avoiding the glass lids.
Have you considered buying or building a canopy on top?
My cat doesn't even like to look at my tank...


When useing the egg carate, it has small holes in it, like a grid. Put screen meshing over that, or on top of the egg crate.will help with the hair problem.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I second the avoiding the glass lids.
Have you considered buying or building a canopy on top?
My cat doesn't even like to look at my tank...

Actually i have a canopy,with a retrofit in it,but theres nothing covering the bare tank inside :( heres what it looks like!:

Is eggcrate kinda like fence-looking material,im not exactly sure what is is o.o! But ill go up to lowes!

My cats dont really bug the tank since theres nothing moving in it yet..but i mean,i cant wear,touch,lay on...or probably even eat *yuck* anything without cat hair on or in it!! Ugh..if i didnt love 'em so much theyd be in deep trouble! ;)


Originally Posted by ReefRobert
When useing the egg carate, it has small holes in it, like a grid. Put screen meshing over that, or on top of the egg crate.will help with the hair problem.
Ok! That sounds like a good idea :) Will light still come through it very well?


Originally Posted by D-Monic

Actually i have a canopy,with a retrofit in it,but theres nothing covering the bare tank inside :( heres what it looks like!:

Is eggcrate kinda like fence-looking material,im not exactly sure what is is o.o! But ill go up to lowes!

My cats dont really bug the tank since theres nothing moving in it yet..but i mean,i cant wear,touch,lay on...or probably even eat *yuck* anything without cat hair on or in it!! Ugh..if i didnt love 'em so much theyd be in deep trouble! ;)

You could always have them shaved. I know a few people that doe that.


Active Member
the tank looks nice, and yes the eggcrate should be able to let light through it--they are used in commercial buildings to cover flourescent (sp??) lights, hence the lighting department of the home stores.
you may not need it since you have the canopy if the cats don't go up there, but it wouldn't hurt.


Buy a Roomba
Since we have a two labs, a beagle mix, one white cat with white fetish(Rolls in Oil, Mud, dirt or anything to make him not white) OH and four kids. They work great and do the whole house just pick up what a normal vacumn would get stuck on. I actually got my wife two one for upstairs and one for downstairs. She just programs it and then dumps it at night or I do when I get home.