CB shrimp pregant any chance they will survive??


I have a pair of CB shrimp and she has a huge sack of eggs undernieth her belly my question is is there any chance the eggs will survive once they hatch??Will she lay them on the LR where they allways stay??
Do the parents protect them or lay them and leave them??


Active Member
Most likly, the fish will eat the eggs, depending on what kind of fish you have, but most will. If some survived/were born, the fish would really go for them then. Maybe if you have a QT tank, you could make them a nice little home, and see what happens.


the eggs will hatch but it is difficult to impossibel to raise them.
i tried with my skunk cleaner shrimp about 10 times but have given up.
the shrimp will carry the eggs until they hatch. The fry wil then swim to the nearest light source which causes a problem since that puts them on the upper layers of teh aquarium which is where most people have their overflows. if you can manage to catch some before they are swept away by the overflow or they get eaten by the other fish transfer them to a small tank with aeration (to produce a water current) and no filtration. Do daily water changes to keep the levels in check and feed them constantly. You need to feed them rotifers for the first week. ive never made it past that part so im no help to you after that.

sea slug

I dont know, but that would be cool :jumping: , my camelbacks had little babie shrimps-es once, but my spotted dragonette took them for pods and ate them

all the more luck to you


Thanks for the replys.I think if I'm able to see them when they hatch I will try to move them to a small tank. :thinking:
Do the parents protect them at all when they hatch??

bang guy

The parents will eat them if they can find them. Typically the fish get the first shot.
Do you have a mated pair of CB?