CC or sand bed



Below you will see a differing grain sizes of the Old Castle/Southdown sand. I don't know about kolorscape. The old southdown and yardright did used to say not for aquarium use only to obsolve them from any responsibility/liability if you used it for reef tanks and such.
Many of us talk about Southdown,Yardright, or Old Caslte playsand, it being calcium carbonate based, and with an excellent grain sizes makes for a good functioning sand bed. 1/8mm is very fine> 1/256mm to 1/16mm is considered silt, and less that> 1/256mm is considered clay.
Southdown seems to mostly contains very fine to silt size particles, and maybe a few larger than 1/8mm.
These smaller size particles make for a better biological zone, something you just don't get with the larger pebble size substrates, even if it is aragonite. The smaller sizes have more surface area and are capable of holding more bacteria making it a better choice.
You will mostl likely have to vaccum your larger substrate as well since it is large enough to trap fish waste and uneaten food, this can cause water problems and you will more than likely also wind up doing more water changes. The finer sand beds will not need to be vaccumed and require much less maintanence, just proper healthy sand bed infauna.