Cell Phones


What kind off cell phones does every 1 have?
Out here in the Desert the only service to have is Verizon, i just got my new phone....
Its the Samsung SCH-A970


Active Member
I have verizon as well. Just switched from T-mobile (customer service issue). I have an LG VX8100 with a 512 MB card. Verizon is notorious for locking down features on their phones so I unlocked the phone, went to cellphonehacks dot com and tracked down a program (bitpim) to upload/download and convert files for my phone. I found a USB cable at cellphoneshop dot net for 12 bucks. A download from freeringers dot net allows me to convert songs ripped from CDs into ringtones then I access them with BitPim and transfer the data to my phone via USB. I can make a ringtone from any CD now. As for mp3s I just put my card in a reader and drag and drop songs....about 100 so far and I also have about 75 pics and 100 or so video clips on it and it's only 60% full.

ps...Verizon seemed overly excited to take a customer from T-mobile and after several rebates the phone was only $50.
My wife also has Verizon with a mobile web access cardbus for her laptop (they threw that in when I switched, too). She surfs the web on her laptop while I drive. She also has a Verizon Blackberry supplied by her employer.


I do not have one!!!!! I will be the first ( and prolly the last) to admit that I ain't got it, I don't want it, I don't see the point, and I don't go for the "incase of an emergency crap" Do you know how many credit cards I maxed out on that logic???
Sorry, just havin' fun.
The hubby has a...ummm...o boy... well it's small and grey, maybe I'll ask him, but I'd hafta call him cause he's outa town, but I'll let you know as soon as I find out!!


Active Member
Hey Tizz,
If you go for the free phone and 1000 hrs with free nts and wknds at T-mobile then subtract your home phone bill you may find it's not a bad idea to switch then lose the land line. My last home phone bill with taxes and fees was almost $40.....and I made 3 calles that month. That was over a year ago now. I was tired of paying so much for something I rarely used. Calls to my wife are now free. I talk to family on weekends as long as I want without wondering how high my phone bill will be. Think about it.?.?.? :notsure:


Yeah see that's the thing... when I leave, I like my freedom. My hubby carries his phone and every now and again I'll use it...it's uncomfortable, it cuts off, there's interference, etc...
It's a good phone and he's been through every company looking for the best signal, he's got no spending limit since his job pays the bill, hold on lemme see what he's got.


Singular, with all the bells and whistles... $117 a month!! I think he's nuts, but he says he NEEDS it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Singular, with all the bells and whistles... $117 a month!! I think he's nuts, but he says he NEEDS it.
And your home phone bill??


Active Member
The t-mobile plan I discussed is $39.99/mo
as far as freedom goes...don't take it with you or turn it off if you don't want to be bothered. If it's important they can leave a message.


Originally Posted by socal57che
And your home phone bill??
They just raised our home phone to 55 bucks. I think I am gonna get our phone put on a cable line and it will drop to 40 with all that free long distance and such.
And Social...that's my oint, I don't take it with me...ever. I have absolutely never ever in my life missed a truly "important" message. Course I only had 1 in my life. See, my problem is that all my friends think whatever they hafta say really is important and I always feel obligated to respond and act like I care etc... No phone, no drama
See you guys are seeing my true colors here...


Actually I am just starting trouble... They are a good deal, admittedly better than land lines, but the absolute truth why I can't stand them...they are to small. I have 3 kids and a lot to handle, I like to hold the phone on my shoulder and use both hands, I tried that with the hubby's phone and almost tore something. Not much into the headsets only cause I am not on the phone that much.


Active Member
My Motorola hs850 bluetooth headset was $25 on e-bay (new in box) and I only use it a couple times a month because, like you mentioned, the cell on the shoulder thing doesn't work. It hooks right on my cell case so it's always handy. It's pretty clear you're not quite ready to give in and join the cellphone users, but I'm really glad i switched.
ps I just saw a t-mobile ad on yahoo.....1500 whenever minutes for $39.99/mo


i have centennial. most people probably haven't even heard of it, they only do like 2 5-state areas. but yea. the service is usually excellent, except in my house, but i'm at school so that doesn't matter too much. and it's still ok at home, just not as good as everywhere else. the only problem i have is the customer service! it sucks having to go into the store everday for the first three days you have the phone to get a problem fixed. and then they screwed up their insurance. the customer service number isn't much better. they actually caused my last problem. the stupid woman took off my text messaging instead of the insurance like i asked, so i was charged an overage on my unlimited text messaging. and i send a lot of texts. so i went to the store and actually found someone worth talking to! i was so happy! he gave me a month of free text messaging using the promotional code they have, had the overage credited to me, and gave me his card to call him if i have anymore problems! he even fixed the problem i was having sending messages to a couple of my friends!
anyways, my phone is a nokia 3220. i love that phone!


Active Member
I have the Motorola E815 with the Motorola H700 bluetooth headset. Verizon service. I must say the service is great around here and the headset phone combo works good. Got the phone for $100(in store) and the bluetooth earpiece for $65(retail $120) off

. I used the V Cast for 2 months. In my opinion its a big waste of $15 a month. Just used it for football scores on weekends.

salty tank

i think it is stupid to buy those phones with tvs and cameras now. I have a phone that i got for cheap and it does the one thing i want it to do, make calls. I dont see why so many people are obsessed with their cell phones.
Personally i dont like em, people who drive while on em drive like as*holes and i think they are annoying


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty tank
i think it is stupid to buy those phones with tvs and cameras now. I have a phone that i got for cheap and it does the one thing i want it to do, make calls. I dont see why so many people are obsessed with their cell phones.
Personally i dont like em, people who drive while on em drive like as*holes and i think they are annoying
You probably don't have an Ipod either