cement in the reef.


i bought a bag or this cement called Emaco® R 400 Architectural
its supposed to be the same as the thorite radpid vertical ( which is published in the reef aquarium volume 3 buy julian sprung as "safe")
anywas i tested the ph of some of it cured in water and it seems to be high, to high. i will bring it over to a friends house who has a digital meter and test again. but if this is the case and it dose raise the ph what should i do?
how do i fix this problem?
i want to attach rocks to rocks!

bang guy

Cement contains a LOT of Lime. As it cures it will release Hydroxide and this is whats raising the PH.
Cement should be cured in fresh water until it stops releasing hydroxide. I wouldn't use it to bond live rocks together because there's no way to cure it without harming the live rock..