Then I agree with acrylic51 on this one...
You should go with a four sided overflow box, if not two. Two would increase the re-sale value of your tank.
Be careful that your tanks bottom pane of glass is not tempered. If the glass is tempered, it will shatter.
A simple acrylic DIY would probably work pretty well for your goal. I don't know any companies off hand that sell standard manufacturer internal overflow boxes - at least center overflows. The main thing for the DIY is to make absolutely sure it is siliconed in really, really, really well and has a long dry time. Silicone doesn't stick to acrylic really well, so you may need to rough up the acrylic a little bit on the inside, bottom, and outside of the bottom edge of it so that it may stick a little better.
Anyways, now I'm rambling. I wish you the best and share some pictures with us when you get the chance.