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Just wanted to stop by and say, Thanks for helping out other reefers, just to do it...Some people charge and thats cool as well, giving it away just to get rid of it and helping others is awsome...Really says alot about a person,
In no way am I saying that charging for Chaeto is bad at all...I dont want to give anyone that idea, Anyone who is willing to give up time and effort for anyone else is amazing in this day and age..
Thanks, just charging the shipping for it
or else i would go broke on that dept.....Already sent to 8 people, even though is a small ziplock bag, it's chaeto, will grow like crazy, so size doesn;t matter..hehehe.....Since I am new on saltwater, don't know the rules of trading or selling, but I am sure I will always try to help someone in need.......
PS: First time I sent chaeto, so hopefully every one gets satisfied.....