change fresh water lighting into saltwater lighting


New Member
i have a 55 gal. fresh water tank that i a turning into a saltwater im in the process of cycling the tank but have decided to put coral in it can i use the hood i have now and just put some different bulbs? if so what bulbs do you suggest?


Active Member
If you have just the normal flourescent lights that come with the tanks, then no you cannot use that. You will have to upgrade your lighting. Depending on what corals you want to keep will depend of the type of light. I have a bit of everything....SPS, LPS, Leathers, Zoas, and on.....and I use Metal Halide lighting.


HELLO...Welcome to swf.....IDK what you have, BUT from past experiences wit can nlot use the hood or the lights for sw...Sorry, you will have to buy new lights


Depends on what you want to keep. I've seen people keep softies, mushrooms and zoas under PC's.


New Member
Originally Posted by D-Dzel
Depends on what you want to keep. I've seen people keep softies, mushrooms and zoas under PC's.
im not sure what im going to get just yet, i asume by softies you mean coral that isnt hard, like brain coral?
i plan to work around my budget so im going to try to get the cheapest lights and work with the minimmum and maby later upgrade
so if its possiable to keep my old hood and put new bulbes in it i would just do that and limit my coral to softies.


IMO it is not possible.....look into T5HO lighting....also IMO that is the cheapest you can get away with and keep just about anything


Metal Halide lighting would be your best bet for sure. I have power compact floresents (previously mentioned PC lighting), and successfuly have a couple thriving zoo colonies and a few various mushroom color morphs. I wouldn't dare get anything more though. My hood is a coral life 48" with 4 24" bulbs and i have 2 white and 2 blue lights running. Like i said my zoos and mushrooms are thriving but i dare not try anything more.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BigJakeC
Metal Halide lighting would be your best bet for sure. I have power compact floresents (previously mentioned PC lighting), and successfuly have a couple thriving zoo colonies and a few various mushroom color morphs. I wouldn't dare get anything more though. My hood is a coral life 48" with 4 24" bulbs and i have 2 white and 2 blue lights running. Like i said my zoos and mushrooms are thriving but i dare not try anything more.

I had the exact same lights...I had a clam up top...lots of Xenia, a fox coral, a very nice frog spawn and rock anemones. I even had a very nice flowerpot coral going before the clowns killed it trying to host it. In a cave I had a beautiful chili coral and sun coral.
It was used on a 55g first then on a 75g, and just this year a for a short time on a 90g. I have pictures of some of the corals I had back then...if you want to see them I can post them, for now I just posted th clam picture w/frogspawn... Point can keep allot more than you think.



Active Member
Can you get a picture of what your hood looks like and the bulbs? Because without knowing if this is a Normal Output...PC...T5...we can't help really.