Change of Plans my 1000 is now 1600


Active Member
1600 is nothing...think of what they do at public aquaria where they will change thousands of gallons of water at a time
1600 is quite manageable, assuming a mix tank is installed for a couple of hundred gallons. Doesn't need to be fancy at all. Looking forward to pics


Originally Posted by Lesleybird
So what do you do? Put on your scuba gear to clean out the tank? How do you do partial water changes on 1600 gallons?
Not me my service guy will do that.


Originally Posted by b0bby1
how much is this costing you to install this tank?

Not sure yet. ATM still working on the quote. I am afraid to see it


i was checking out goodwin's big tank and reading about yours a while back, know the tanks going to be a 1600!! geez!! Scenerio Person 1 " yea i have a saltwater fish tank." justforfun " so do i, how big is your tank?" P1 " oh its a 125 g mini reef! it's huge!! Yours?" justfor fun " oh i only have a 300 my room, and then i have a new unnamed ocean in my living room!!" P 1 "
i cant wait to see pics for sure! you and goodwin are my encouragement to save money and hope i can find a wife like yours!! ( by the way does she have any sisters??) i'm starting off small only a 14g biocube
to start due to time and money and i'm currently renting probly going to wait til a own a home for a big, well next to yours small 90-150g or larger if i can afford it! well keep us posted later and good luck!

shark bait

Originally Posted by justforfun
Not me my service guy will do that.
I had the same talk last night with a buddy about my 330. Not 1600, but water changes on the second floor, what a pain but i'll do 2 5g water chances a week and that will get me to about 10% a month but 160g a month some one better have a good ro/di unit.


I change about 50 gallons a week, 100 gallons every two weeks, so I am changing about 400gallons a month. Some from evaporation, other is lost water from vaccuming, and most is just water changes. It doesn't take to much time and it makes the tank cleaner so why not.


Originally Posted by justforfun
As some of you might know I have a 300 to hold my fish while i can move into my new house and was planning on gettig a 120X48X36.
Well plans have changed. Took the wife to the house and she did not like the idea of a big wall tank. She said "Can we just do a Cylindrical in the middle of the room"
I said HELL YEAH. So Wayde and Brett from ATM flew out to my house this morning and took some measurments. I had planned on a 72X72 Cylindrical Aquarium.

So what is a Cylindrical Aquarium and why would you want one.. Did you get it..??


A Cylinidrical Aquarium is simply an aquarium which has a circular shape and is tall. Great looking tanks when done right. Good luck.


at a public aquarium i went to they had a cylindrical aquarium with a school of lookdowns. it was awesome watchin the fish school together as they circled around the tank. good luck!


wow he lives!!! hows it going? well i'm sure that you'll fill us in when you get all the details figured out!