changing filter media?


when i change out my media in my filter should i also dump out the water that is in the canister and wash out canister also! Or just change out the media i am changing and leave the water in?


If you have a fluval canister like I do,it is best to only change/clean half of the media,due to the fact that there are good bacteria in there helping to keep your water clean.


Clean the filter pads in the water that is in the canister and then rinse the sediment out and you shouldn't have any nitrate problems. Keeping a canister clean is very important.


The only thing I keep in my canister are those little ceramic rings....ALTHO I just recently added chemipure elite to my canister of the 54G
When I change mine I dump and wash everything
I also have 2 canisters on my 225G used mainly for flow (they have flowbars)....I also keep the ceramic rings in there, and when I clean them...I dump water, and rinse rings too


Active Member
I never rinse the rings in my fluval but I do rinse the sponge walls pieces and I also throw out the filter floss media and rinse the baskets they were in before replacing the media.
I also dump the water in the canister, and give it a good rinse.