Changing out a 125.


Active Member
YesterdayI scored an awesome deal on a Oceanic 135 RR setup. It's supper sweet and has dual OF with a smoked back glass.
So the tank is going to replace my AGA 125 non RR tank. It's outside in the weather and I gotta get them swapped ASAP. Planning on doing so next weekend. Provided I get to clean up the Oceanic first. Weather turned back cold today so we'll see what happens.But... I need a plan!
So far I've got 2 other guys to help, but need a third, any takers??
This puppy is definetly a 4 man tank.
The 125 is set up with fish, LR and Sand in it. There are 9 fish and some starfish in it. I'll be housing them in the 29 QT for the transfer. I do have a plan, you guys check it for me will ya? Also, if I write it, I'll go by it. So here it is.
Fri. Night.
Drain down the 29 and clean thouroughly.
Pre prep some carbon for start up.
Get totes, buckets, etc.To house the water, rock, and sand.
Make up new SW to compensate for extra volume/spillage.
Do an inventory of all parts needed to connect the new tank.
Pick up from Lowes any remaining parts/pieces.
Build stockmans.
Smear guilt on all that are committing to show.
1. Make sure everybody shows up, bride whoever doesnt with beer/pizza.
2. begin draining 125 into 29. 15 min
3. install filter on 29, using sponge from 125. 5 min
4.Continue draining into totes etc. 1 hr
Remove rock/ sand as it drains.
5. Net fish, place into 29 when tank has mostly drained.
6. Complete draining and begin disconnecting current plumbing..30 min
7. Hunt down whoever, hasnt showed/left, with shotgun. 1.5 hrs
8.Remove 125. 30 min
9 Check and level stand. 30 min
10. install foam and 135. 45 min
11. install stockmans and replumb tank. 1 hr.
12. Check all joints. 10 min
13. Refill, reaquascape,. 1 hr.
14.Start her back up.

15 Start drinking.
Anything I'm missing? I just need this to go really smoothly. My wife gets trigger happy after holding these guys here for more than 8 hrs. I have a 29 rfeugium that will go back online when we start back up to help with anything we might have stirred up.
Also anyone have this tank set up. It doesnt have stockmans in the OF. But has instead a pipe with filter sponges on it. Are these noisey without the stockmans? It looks as though it will be.
Additionally, I have a oceanic plus 150 trickle filter I'll be selling soon. It's complete (except return pump)and appears to be in good working order. Make some offers if interested. The AGA 125 is sold allready.


I like your new Avatar! The only thing I can see changing is starting #15 a lot earlier! Thanks for the laugh!


Active Member
I've been trying to find a new one lately. I'm glad you like it. I thought about starting #15 sooner, but you dont know these guys like I do.
You gotta keep the carrot right in their face, let 'em get a nibble and they'll shut down.


Active Member
sounds like you got a plan
hope it all goes smooth, my stuff never does.started 9:am yesterday morn. on a closed loop, started up at 7 pm. worked on fixing leaks until 1 am this morning. Never had pvc glued fittings leak before, now I just hope the the silicone I gobbed up around the leaks holds or I'll be redoing it all again next weekend

If I was closer by I'd come help, that's gona be one heavy load to carry.


Active Member
nice looking tank
mine looks like that except it's 125,wasn't RR are tinted. I wasn't sure if it was oceanic or not but I have the glass piece in the center like that, only thing I don't like is the glass piece is hard to reach around sometimes and have to keep in clean for light to get thru. good luck with the move, looks like you got a lot of work ahead of you there.


I am suprised doc you are not keeping the 125 and putting this new tank in another area in your house
Looks like you are having fun, tank looks nice. You going to do a reef steup with it


Active Member
Unfortunatly, I wont be re-using the sand. I may set some of it up in a tank or something and run it for a while with some snails to see it theres any reason It can be used. I would like to as its aragonite. But I dont know enough about it. Currently a 2" SB in the DT. With a 4 in SB in refugium.
Scubaguy, my wife is so understandable of my hobby with SW, I wouldn't push it. She doesnt want any tanks throughout the house, also I dont know how I'd ever keep up, let alone AFFORD both these big tanks, my 65 AND my sons 10. It just gets insane at that point.
It'll be a FOWLR just like before, but sweeter. Plus, you know the addiction, it'll be reef before long. He''ll I'm allrerady considering some softies!


Active Member
Hey scubaguy, did I detect a hint of volunteering to help with saturdays move? I'll be making fresh bisquits and venison sausage gravy for all those that are here by 10:00 saturday morning.
(carrot) Still in need of a 4th guy!


New Member
I say we start #15 Friday night-Saturday. Doc the tank does look awesome. Can't wait to see it up and running. FYI I got a 55 gal for the refugium


Active Member
If we start fri. night we wont get 'er done! But your more easily bribed with the venison. THAT we will start FRi. night.
Glad to know you got your 55 for your fuge. Then all we gotta do is baffle it, build a stand, plumb it in and wallah. Boy that makes yours sound easier than mine.
Plus you dont have to bribe me....I'm a junkie!
Clown101 bought my 125, we are going to be building him a stand and 55 gal fuge for it. The stand will be just like my stand with the bench on it. With some modifications........ If you thought his 55 tank build was sweet, wait till you see this one. We'll be doing some of these modifications to my 135 stand also.


We'll see Doc, tiring to get as much overtime as possible for Christmas. The venison sounds great. I will let you know Friday on this thread. Oh yeah, the skimmer I got, you know the new one like yours. One of the tubes broke and the other PH contimued to pump out 12 to 15 gallons
It is all cleaned up and I have a new tube but keep on watching it


Active Member
It is done!
Clown 101 and I pulled an all nighter last night. We started at 9:00, wrapped her up about 6:00 this morning. My cameras dead, I'm getting some breakfast and will post upo a pic of it later.... IT IS SWEEEEET MY FRIENDS!


Active Member
Out with the old, in with the new.

We had some problems with leaks. The reurn on the left And the drain on the right. I believe it was the pvc glue and primer I bought from walmart. GEEESh, cant they even sell quality pvc glue?
I had to invert the bulkheads in order to fit them in on my existing stand. So the nuts where inside the OF boxes. What a pain trying to wrench them up a little tighter in there. I found it was best to install the connector then a short piece of pipe glued into it. Then turn it from the bottom. Wrenching the short piece of pipe till it set tight. I still need to get the stockmans in the OF,s but I'm thinking of doing a simpler design I'm dreaming up. So tomorrow I'll do that.



Active Member
No, not at all scubaguy!
It was along night last night. We were able to move the 125 out my office window and right into the back of clown101's truck. Then the 135 went through the window, laid on it's back, right off my my Ram. when you get a chance come check it out.