Got a tiny acan frag today at my LFS for 20 bucks!
I have 3 fish in there right now (clown, coral beauty, watchmen goby) and 3 shrimp (cleaner, peppermint, and bullseye pistol) and various clean up crew and I am trying to plot out my next couple of fish to round out the tank. I really want an anthias but my LFS guy said they get big and they need 2 or 3 feedings a day to stay healthy so those guys are out. My LFS had a Starry Rabbitfish that was magnificent but they sold it

I don't think my tank was large enough for it anyways. It was friends with a yellow tang in the tank they were in and they followed each other around and ate with each other. It was hilarious.
Anyways, I think I am going to go with 2 chromis and a mandarin after I allow pods time to establish. Maybe a royal gamma instead of the mandarin. I should be way under the 1 gallon per 1 inch of fish rule of thumb. I want fish that are out and about...I learned my lesson with that in my last tank. I had 2 different gobies and a fire fish that liked to stay behind or under the rocks 90% of the time.